Brixham Arts & Theatre Society / Opportunities / Wed 01 Aug 2018

Wanted - An experienced professional Writer/Director to work alongside young people creating a piece of Street Theatre on the subject of Domestic Abuse.
This will be a self employed contracted position, paid by BATS, and to be based in Brixham. It would start in September for a period of several weeks, working with a youth organisation twice a week in early evenings.
Please send your CV and any examples of previous work in this field to mpotten@talktalk.net.
To discuss any queries please phone Cecilia Kean, BATS, on 07884166508
For more information visit http://www.brixhamtheatre.org.uk/
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 07884 166 508
Email: mpotten@talktalk.net
Website: http://www.brixhamtheatre.org.uk/