MJHodge Art / Opportunities / Sun 21 May 2017
Seeking artists and curators to showcase contemporary naive art

Working Title "Asking the Moon"
I am preparing an international touring exhibition for 2019-2020 to celebrate and promote the best British and Croatian naïve artists working today in a range of media, suitable for major galleries and local museums alike, and appropriate for partnering with community outreach programmes to encourage self-taught, naïve and outsider artists from all backgrounds and in any media.
It is an ambitious project that feels like ‘asking for the moon,’ but we are passionate about sharing the best contemporary naïve art with you and I hope you will get involved.
The exhibition will feature approximately 20 British and 20 Croatian artists, with one medium sized work each (smaller works which form part of a diptych/triptych also possible), selected on the originality and technical accomplishment of the work. Ideally the exhibition will tour the UK over autumn/winter 2019 and Croatia over spring/summer 2020. Dates and further touring opportunities will depend entirely on funding, sponsors, partners, and venues all being in place.
We are seeking artists to consider for inclusion in this project and curators, gallerists, art writers, sponsors, partners, and funders to support us in a variety of ways.
For the full project proposal please follow the link below and if you're interested in getting involved I look forward to hearing from you.
For more information visit https://mjhodgeart.co.uk/blogs/views/project-proposal-working-title-asking-the-moon