Mining Doncaster / Opportunities / Fri 06 Jul 2018
Volunteer to support the A Rich Seam Exhibition

Would you like to volunteer to support the A Rich Seam Exhibition?
We are looking for people who have time during the day and who would like to help share information with people who visit the Exhibition.
The exhibition opens at the Frenchgate on 9th July – 4th August and will be open from 10am - 4pm Monday – Saturday.
Volunteers will be asked to:
Help share information about the artist, and the exhibition.
Count the number of people who visit the exhibition.
Share information about crowdfunding and help people make a pledge.
If you would like to get involved please express an interest by completing this online form: https://goo.gl/forms/J6AdQw7R7XyXtWar2 (copy and paste into your search address bar)
For more information contact culture@doncaster.gov.uk or call 01302 734620
For more information visit https://www.creativedoncaster.com/mining-doncaster/a-rich-seam-exhibition-by-laurence-edwards/?month=7&page=2
Opportunity Location
Frenchgate pop up exhibition
Frenchgate Shopping Centre
St Sepulchre Gate
Telephone: 01302 734 620
Email: culture@doncaster.gov.uk
Website: https://www.creativedoncaster.com/mining-doncaster/a-rich-seam-exhibition-by-laurence-edwards/?month=7&page=2