Mikron Theatre Co. / News / Fri 03 Jul 2020
Mikron launch fundraising appeal to reach historic 50th year

With no income from shows, no shop, no programmes or raffle due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Marsden based Mikron theatre are currently looking at a shortfall of £48,337.49 for next year.
Many of you will know that we are not able to tour this year – at all.
We’re so very sad that we’re not touring.
We looked at every possible touring model this year, and in the early stages of the Coronavirus outbreak spent days exploring different options, but none of them were practical.
We know you’ll all miss your annual Mikron fix. We are going to miss all of our beautiful venues and all of your friendly faces, but the safety of the cast and crew, venues and of course you, our loyal followers, is vital.
How you can help
We need your help to ensure that we get back on our feet, back on the road, and back on the water.
We’re doing as much as we can to reduce costs month by month, but this simply isn’t enough. On current budgets we will run out of money in May 2021.
This means we have no choice but to launch an appeal. We need to raise £48,337.49 by the end of December 2020 to ensure that our 50th year of touring can go ahead and that Mikron has a future.
Thanks to the generosity of people like you, we’re already on our way – since the Coronavirus outbreak we’ve received over £2,000 in donations.
3 ways you can help now
1. Perhaps you can donate what you would normally give at a show?
2. Join Friends of Mikron
3. Buy your Mikron goodies from our shop
If you would like to donate directly by BACS (which saves us banking charges) you can.
Mikron Theatre
Sort Code 30 94 43
Acc. Number 00941097
Reference ‘Appeal’
If you have donated by BACS, just drop us an email to admin@mikron.org.uk and we can sand you acknowledgement and Gift Aid form, if required
For more information visit https://mikron.org.uk/appeal
News Location
Mikron Theatre Co
Mikron Theatre Co
Mechanics Hall
Peel Street, Marsden
Telephone: 01484 843 701
Email: admin@mikron.org.uk
Website: https://mikron.org.uk/appeal