
michaeljwoodman michaeljwoodman

We are a devising company based in Exeter, Devon, who are currently working on a show called How to start a riot for which we have been researching crowd psychology and using this information to create our performative lecture.

Michael Woodman is a graduate of the University of Exeter whose theatre interests lie in making sure that those around him are able to make new and exciting work.

Whilst at university he was artistic director at Harbinger Theatre Company and took creative and production roles in many varying productions.

Since graduating he has been a part of Devon-based SourDough Theatre with fellow graduates and collaborated with Dr. Jerri Daboo. With SourDough he helped to create a wide variety of performance including fundraising theatre, children’s theatre, new writing as well as working on adaptations of Shakespeare and Behn.

View my website http://www.worklighttheatre.co.uk/

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Telephone: 07938 883 848
Email: michael@worklighttheatre.co.uk
Website: http://www.worklighttheatre.co.uk/

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