Alan Bennett is something of an institution in Britain, known for the way in which he can encapsulate a world of voices within a single monologue.
Bennett sealed his reputation as the master of observation with ‘Talking Heads’ his series of 12 ground-breaking monologues. Darkly comic, tragically poignant and wonderfully uplifting the series is widely regarded as a modern classic.
**‘A lady of Letters’ and ‘Bed Among the Lentils’ **
In ‘A lady of Letters ‘, Miss Ruddock’s civil liberties are dear to her, and writing letters is how she likes to assert those rights. One of these missives pushes her to the brink, with unexpected, but liberating consequences.
Bed Among the Lentils features Susan, an alcoholic, nervous vicar's wife who has to travel into Leeds to go to the off-licence because of her debts with the local shop keeper, distracts herself from her ambitious, and, as she sees him, vainly insensitive husband and his doting parishioners by conducting an affair with a nearby grocer, Ramesh, discovering something about herself and God in the process.
Event Location
Meltham Carlile Institute
Huddersfield Rd
Telephone: 07587 749 747
Email: repepper.rep@gmail.com