Melodie Cook / Opportunities / Thu 10 Dec 2015
"The Circus Drawn" Limited Edition Prints and Originals

I am making a series of large scale portraits,drawn in pastel or graphite portraying the performers and animals of Giffords Circus, a beautiful retro style circus based in the Cotswolds,in England.
The first completed work of Nancy and her cockerel Bobby won the Faber Castell Award at the Pastel Society Open Exhibition 2015.
"Emma and Jack" and "Tweedy and the Cannon" are shortlisted for the final selection for the Pastel Society Open Exhibition 2016
Limited edition giclee' prints and originals are now available through melodiecook.co.uk.
An exhibition will follow once the project is completed.
I will be donating 10% of the profits to the United Nations Refugee Agency.
For more information visit http://melodiecook.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Melodie CookArtist's Studio
The Street
CM22 6LY
Telephone: 01279 870 182
Email: melodiecook07@gmail.com
Website: http://melodiecook.co.uk/