Mel O'Donnell Professional singer, teacher, communications and vocal coach
A professional cross-over singer, Melissa has been teaching in St Albans for over ten years. She enjoys approaching the teaching process in fun and inventive ways and helping pupils to explore their voices whilst developing a solid grounding in vocal technique. Her pupils range between 10 and 80 years old, some are professionals themselves and others come for lessons purely for their own pleasure and enjoyment!
Melissa also works as a communications coach, helping individuals to develop their ability to communicate authentically, memorably and confidently and to build strong relationships quickly in all situations. Clients include the Bank of England, Movenpick hotel group and Coller Capital.
Melissa also runs a monthly, everybody welcome, drop-in singing group called 'The Secret Singers' for more information please see her website.
View my website http://www.melodonnell.com/
My Location
St Albans
28 White Hedge Drive
Telephone: 07742 353 289
Email: mel.od@hotmail.co.uk
Website: http://www.melodonnell.com/
My Events
A Christmas Trifle / Sat 09 Dec 2017
A Christmas Trifle 9th December 2017 Holy Trinity Church Leverstock Green - 19:30 A festive concert to get you in the seasonal spirit. A recip...
Secret Singers Choir / Sat 18 Nov 2017
Whether you are a secret shower singer or a sing from the rooftops singer, this is an opportunity to have fun singing together whilst learning vocal t...
Family Secret Singers Choir / Sat 18 Nov 2017
Join us for some fun-filled family singing. A great opportunity for grown ups and children to connect through exploring our voices and enjoying singin...