Matthew Stutely / News / Tue 17 Mar 2015
WINNER! WHSmith Big Painting Challenge - Portraiture

With the contestants of The Big Painting Challenge on BBC 1 taking on portraiture last week, WHSmiths took to Facebook and Twitter to ask the public to show them their best portrait artworks for the chance to win some exciting art prizes from Windsor & Newton.
Matthews winning image was picked from hundreds of other hopefuls and was a portrait painted in his signature acrylics on paper. This win builds on Matthews other recent successes having had his paintings featured in BBC 1's DIY SOS and designing the imagery for Slaithwaite Moonraking Festival.
Matthew is currently exhibiting a series of animal paintings at Malvern Theatres in Worcestershire but his artworks can also be viewed online.
For more information visit http://blog.whsmith.co.uk/portrait-artwork-whsart-portraits/