Marsden Jazz Festival / Events / Thu 06 Oct 2022
Simon Armitage and LYR - Pre-festival fundraiser gig

This individual pre-Marsden Jazz Festival gig is both a celebration of National Poetry Day and a fundraiser for St Barts and Marsden Jazz Festival.
LYR (Land Yacht Regatta) comprises author and current British Poet Laureate, Simon Armitage CBE, musician Richard Walters and multi-instrumentalist Patrick Pearson. LYR sets Armitage’s live spoken evocative vocals to genre splicing music and soundscapes from Walters and Pearson.
Broadcaster, novelist, playwright, translator, lyricist and Poet Laureate Simon Armitage has described Marsden as “the epicentre” of his writing, and the lives and landscapes of West Yorkshire continue to echo through his work. On National Poetry Day he returns to the village where he grew up to read from his award winning collections, share new work, and perform with Land Yacht Regatta alongside singer-songwriter Richard Walters and multi-instrumentalist/producer Patrick James Pearson.
Formed in 2018 as a one-off project, LYR are now a firmly established part of the contemporary music scene, with regular radio airplay, a critically acclaimed debut album and over a million streams to their name. Having appeared at several festivals across the summer, they kick off their autumn tour by bringing their uniquely hypnotic songs to Marsden Jazz Festival.
★★★★ ‘Compelling, dramatic’, The Telegraph
‘Impassioned vocals and soaring strings’, The Guardian
Please note, this event is not included in the Full Festival Pass which will be available from 3rd August, but is an individual ticketed event to raise funds for MJF and St Barts ahead of the full festival lineup.
For more information visit https://marsdenjazzfestival.yapsody.com/event/index/736873/simon-armitage-and-lyr
Event Location
St Bartholomew's Church
St Bartholomew's Church - St Bartholomew's Church, Church Lane, Marsden, Huddersfield HD7 6DJ UK
Telephone: 0800 612 5649
Email: office@marsdenjazzfestival.com
Website: https://marsdenjazzfestival.yapsody.com/event/index/736873/simon-armitage-and-lyr