Marsden Jazz Festival / News / Wed 03 Aug 2022
Marsden Jazz Festival is back for its 30th year against all odds

After a funding blow, the Yorkshire-based jazz festival has galvanised to bring four days of world-class live jazz to the picturesque Pennine village
Marsden Jazz Festival is thrilled to celebrate 30 years of the festival (6th-9th October)! They have just launched their 2022 programme and released tickets to the electrifying jazz coming your way in October.
Established in 1992, the festival is one of the longest running jazz festivals in the UK. The festival owes much of this longevity to its diverse programming and supportive audience, from the jazz curious and festival-loving families, to the community cohort and music buffs.
Marsden Jazz Festival 2022 will be self-funded through ticket sales, due to unforeseen changes this year in how the festival is funded.
Whilst this year the festival will look rather different to a usual year, it’s nonetheless spectacular in its lineup. The festival is urging their audience to show their love and support, as they enter their fourth decade, through buying a Full Festival or Day Pass to some of the incredible live music they are bringing to the village.
They have curated a headline programme of ten unmissable gigs in the magnificent surroundings and acoustics of St Bartholomew’s Church, the “Cathedral of the Colne Valley”, including a very special pre-festival Thursday event with Marsden legend Simon Armitage.
Alongside some world-class acts like Gary Crosby, Emma Rawicz, Arun Ghosh, Ruby Wood and Robert Mitchell (amongst many more!), there’ll also be the delectable Street Food Alley and Market in the Park to tempt audiences in between the stellar music.
Barney Stevenson, artistic director says: “Whilst we will miss organising events throughout Marsden in 2022, we are confident that you will enjoy our top-notch programme in St Bartholomew’s Church. Our tickets represent incredible value — under 30s can go for half-price and if you’re under 17 you can go for £1 a day! You can make a big difference in the future of Marsden Jazz Festival in 2023 and beyond by investing in tickets this year!”
Have a browse of their digital programme and buy your ticket to the music at www.marsdenjazzfestival.com
For more information visit https://www.marsdenjazzfestival.com/
News Location
St Bartholomew's Church
Church Ln, Marsden, Huddersfield HD7 6DJ
Telephone: 0800 612 5649
Email: office@marsdenjazzfestival.com
Website: https://www.marsdenjazzfestival.com/