Marsden Jazz Festival / Opportunities / Thu 14 Sep 2017
Call for poems for shop windows at Marsden Jazz Festival

Could you write a short poem to delight the thousands of visitors to the Marsden jazz festival? Marsden the Poetry Village is inviting submissions of original poems to be displayed on A3 posters in shops, pubs, cafés and other sites in Marsden during its 2017 jazz festival, and for one week before and one week after the festival – from 1-15 October 2017.
Your poem can be serious or silly, funky or formal, lyric or limerick; all we ask is that it is themed to this music festival in the beautiful Pennine hills, and is fairly short (no more than 30 lines, to fit easily onto an A4 sheet, which will be blown up to A3 for display. It will have your name on for everyone to see (you retain copyright) and may be published in an anthology, subject to funding. The deadline is 14 September. There is no entry fee and no prize money.
During the festival, the village is alive with music on every corner, the streets thronged with visitors of all ages. You can find out more about the festival here. Every year, Marsden the Poetry Village holds its popular Write Out Loud poetry jam on Sunday morning at the Railway Inn during the festival, and entrants are welcome to come along and read a poem at the open mic. More competition details
For more information visit https://www.writeoutloud.net/competitions/poemsinshops
Opportunity Location
Website: https://www.writeoutloud.net/competitions/poemsinshops