Marsden Jazz Festival / News / Thu 09 Sep 2021
Marsden Jazz Festival is returning with a blast this October!

After a tough 2020 which saw the first-ever cancellation of Marsden Jazz Festival in almost 30years, the award-winning festival based in Marsden WILL be returning this year!
Taking place over the usual second weekend in October (8th-10th this year), the festival is going to be ‘simpler and safer’ with most events happening outdoors and extra safety measures in place for indoor spaces.
“Audience research at the end of 2020, asked our supporters what events they would feel most comfortable attending this year,” said Barney Stevenson, artistic director, “Over 70% of people said that outdoor events would be most attractive, and so we have planned a festival for 2021 which is mostly outdoors”
The newest attraction for 2021 is the Peel Street Stage which will be located outside Marsden Mechanics and which is being programmed in collaboration with Jazz re:freshed, who incidentally has just been nominated for a Jazz FM award, bringing world-class musicians to the stage such as Gary Crosby and Camilla George.
The only indoor live music venue for this year will be at the impressive St Bartholomew’s Church which has been described as the ‘Cathedral of the Colne Valley’. Here you can see performances from Shri Sriram & Dennis Rollins, Xhosa Cole, Bex Birch, Ivo Neame, and more. Tickets are now on sale with additional discounts for those under 30!
“We want people to feel comfortable as well as excited when they attend the festival this year,” added Barney “we have trained staff and volunteers in covid-safety, bought equipment to help us keep places clean and sanitised, and we have a flexible ticket system to allow for changes in circumstances.”
There will also be an exclusive Chronotope exhibition this year, taking place in Marsden Mechanics hall. Using 360-degree sound and screens, visitors will be transported onto Marsden Moor to listen to the exclusive performances, filmed during lockdown in 2020.
Find out about all of the exciting things happening over the festival weekend and book tickets now at www.marsdenjazzfestival.com/whats-on
For more information visit https://marsdenjazzfestival.com/whats-on
News Location
Marsden Jazz Festival
Marsden Jazz Festival
Marsden Mechanics Hall
Peel Street
Telephone: 0800 612 5649
Email: office@marsdenjazzfestival.com
Website: https://marsdenjazzfestival.com/whats-on