Marc Dunleavy / Opportunities / Fri 28 May 2021
Conductor, Paddock Orchestra

Paddock Orchestra is recruiting a new Conductor, for appointment at the start of, or during, the 2021-22 season. Prospective applicants should be experienced or aspiring orchestral conductors with a strong working knowledge of classical orchestral repertoire, but most importantly should be experienced in engaging an enthusiastic ensemble of amateur musicians of varying abilities.
Paddock Orchestra is a well-established amateur orchestra that is known for both the quality of its music and for its friendly, welcoming approach. With approximately 40 members, they rehearse weekly on Tuesday evenings, and perform at least three public concerts each year in the Huddersfield area.
Paddock Orchestra is non-auditioned, preferring orchestral trials over formal auditions. The orchestra plays a range of classical music, often welcoming local soloists for concerto performances, and has an extensive library of music. The Leader is Christine Hoare, who has been principal violinist since 2013.
Following the departure of the orchestra’s Resident Conductor in early 2020, the orchestra has been supported by guest conductors, for both in-person rehearsals/concerts and online activity. As the orchestra prepares to return to regular playing following a turbulent year of national and local lockdowns, we seek to appoint a new Conductor on a more permanent basis who can lead the orchestra in the next stage of its development.
For full information about the role, the application process and how to apply please see the Conductor Recruitment Pack: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gi0x8BeIER9Vm_bz8G1K-HyS9gqYsaYr/view?usp=sharing
If you have any questions regarding the application process, wish to discuss access needs or simply want to know more about Paddock Orchestra, please contact Marc Dunleavy on marc.dunleavy@googlemail.com or 07903 590920.
For more information visit http://www.paddockorchestra.org/
Opportunity Location
Paddock Village Hall
West View
Telephone: 07903 590 920
Email: marc.dunleavy@googlemail.com
Website: http://www.paddockorchestra.org/