Manasamitra / News / Mon 02 Mar 2015
Manasamitra's new performance explores our bond with lullabies

Enjoy 45 minutes of soothing, lilting music in a relaxed setting....
A new music performance this weekend explores our connections with lullabies. 'Lullaby, The Singing Bowl' is a project by Yorkshire based, South Asian arts organisation Manasamitra, in partnership with hcmf//. This weekend, Huddersfield University will host this contemporary music performance which combines night-time sounds from around the globe with soothing Indian lullabies.
Manasamitra's Artistic Director, Supriya Nagarajan spoke on Radio Leeds yesterday about their project. You can listen here by following the link below and skip it along to around 01:41.
The idea for the project came when Supriya was visiting a remote part of the South Indian countryside two years ago. On her way back from temple one evening she walked past some paddy fields. It was planting season and the women were at work. Children played while infants slept in makeshift cradles tied on trees as slings. As the children began to get restless, the women would take it in turns to sing lullabies. Supriya was captivated by the women using their voices in soothing, repetitive rhythms to keep control of their children. The children were calmed and comforted by simply hearing the sounds and the women could continue to work whilst keeping contact from a distance through lullaby.
This prompted questions;
What is it about lullabies that creates this bond?
Is it the sound of the mother’s voice?
Is it the rhythm?
Just how deep does this connection go?
'Lullaby,The Singing Bowl' explores these questions. It is a multifaceted project with links to community, education and scientific exploration. Future plans include performances, installations and residencies in Scandinavia.
'Lullaby, The Singing Bowl' will take place at Phipps Hall at the University of Huddersfield on the 6th and 7th March 2015.
Booking information:
Venue: Phipps Hall, second floor of the Creative Arts Building, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfield, HD1 3DH.
Date and Time: 6th March 7pm & 7th March 2pm, 7pm
Tickets: £8, concessions £5
Box Office: 01484 430528
For more information visit http://www.manasamitra.com/
News Location
Phipps Hall
Phipps Hall, second floor of the Creative Arts Building, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfield
Telephone: 01484 430 528
Email: info@manasamitra.com
Website: http://www.manasamitra.com/