Makers Corner / Events / Wed 26 Mar to Wed 02 Apr 2014 (1 week)
Free Motion Quilting Course

Would you like to learn how to do free motion quilting?
Wednesdays March 26th, April 2nd and April 9th.
10am – 1pm
Cost £65
*Sewing Machine
*instruction book for sewing machine
All materials are included as is tea and coffee.
You will piece together a small quilt measuring approx. 30 x 37ins and then you will learn how to free motion first with a pencil and paper and then on your machine. Plus a bit more.
The course will be run by Kristina Coles a Textile Artist & Recreational Therapist.
To book your place please contact us or pop in to the shop.
A £25 deposit will be required at the time of booking.
Event Location
Makers Corner
9 Hyde Road,
Telephone: 01803 552 675
Email: makerscorner9@yahoo.co.uk