Madeleine Vose / News / Thu 07 Jan 2010
New Writing Revival - Breathing Spaces retreat at Beaford Arts.

New Writing Revival is preparing for the second of a three part practical residency at Beaford Arts, north Devon. In our first we worked with 8 plays and 6 actors to see what happens when actors are involved in the selection process - a rare thing indeed! The team selected one play from our playlist that they felt would be perfect as NWR's inaugural production. To see which play we chose visit
The second retreat is from the 21st to 23rd January. We're going to take a play from 1997 - first produced by London's top new writing theatre The Bush - to north Devon and see if its possible to perform it in non theatre spaces. A tall order so we've recruited 3 fantastic producers and theatre makers to help us investigate. We'll be updating regularly on the website, so do visit to find out which play we're working on and how our investigation is going!
For more information visit
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