Mackerel Sky Events / Events / Fri 23 Jun 2017
Health and Safety for Creative Projects

A one day introduction to health & safety for event activity including safety planning, risk assessment and emergency action plans. We will consider the legal responsibilities for event managers and how we can plan to manage the hazards, risks and challenges that we might face in planning and delivering an event.
Aims of the session:
To understand the health & safety needs for events from legal and practical perspectives
To undertake basic risk assessments and safety planning
To evaluate the effectiveness of mitigating actions in order to make decisions
To appreciate the broader consideration of safety necessary for event activity
To book:
For more information visit http://www.mackerelskyevents.co.uk/training/4584153184
Event Location
Old Bakery Studios
Blewetts Wharf
Malpas Rd
Telephone: 01872 888 089
Email: holly@mackerelskyevents.co.uk
Website: http://www.mackerelskyevents.co.uk/training/4584153184