lutterburnfineart / Events / Mon 20 to Sat 25 Feb 2012 (6 days)

This exhibition showcases the outstanding work of the Royal Marines official war artist, journalists and service photographers who embedded with the units of 3 Commando Brigade on Operation HERRICK 14. Through their eyes we hope to give you an insight into how 3 Commando Brigade helped GIRoA in 'Delivering the Offer' and improving security for the people of Central Helmand.
Operation HERRICK 14 came at a critical juncture in the United Kingdom’s campaign in Afghanistan. From April to October 2011 3 Commando Brigade deployed as Task Force Helmand and was charged with improving security for the people of Central Helmand. Within this constantly evolving counter-insurgency environment we faced a determined, ruthless and cunning enemy operating among an honourable and war- weary people desperate for a better life; but the insurgency was on the back-foot and losing traction. This exposed a security vacuum ripe to be filled by GIRoA. The challenge for Task Force Helmand was to support GIRoA in 'Delivering the Offer' of a viable alternative which filled that vacuum. An offer of improved security without having to bow to intimidation and violence; better education and health; greater socio-economic opportunities; and, ultimately, the promise of a brighter future, free from the malign influence of an unscrupulous insurgency.
By purchasing the art work of Andrew Miller, the Op HERRICK 14 coffee table book and entering our prize draw you will be contributing to two immensely worthy charities - The Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund and The Not Forgotten Association.