lutterburnfineart / News / Wed 15 Feb 2012

Andrew Miller is fast becoming a favorite as his paintings and prints from his Afghanistan collection spread their way around England. His work is just exquisite as he uses his scenes of the quiet empty Afghanistan landscape to emphasize the intense emotion that comes from seeing that landscape transformed into a War Zone.
I was a the Shoulder2Shoulder exhibition on Monday 13th Feb at the Guildhall in Exeter and one of the guests, and ex marine was marveling at this particular piece of Andrews - Operation Herrik. "That, young lady, is the Thousand Mile Stare" he told me. Uninformed in military terms I looked back at him fairly confused. "The thousand Mile Stare" he continued, Is the look on a soldiers face when he stares past everything, past the horizon. Its the unfocused, gazed look he gets when his experience has left him battle-weary. Words could not portray what he is thinking or feeling. Fascinating, isn't it?"
Andrew Miller is currently exhibiting in the the ‘Shoulder2shoulder’ exhibition a pictorial history of a modern conflict that will be touring the country. The exhibition starts in Plymouth 27th Jan 12. for more info visit our exhibition page at
"For me painting is expressing my response to the visual world, and I suppose my emotional reaction to it, from mood to selection of visual subjects. I enjoy painting in an energetic way responding to changing light and weather conditions. For this reason I choose to paint direct from life. The exposure to the elements is a source of excitement.
I started painting from a young age and have been a professional artist for over twenty years. At the moment I am enjoying working in oils as I find this medium more powerful and allows me to work on a bigger scale and to develop a more vigorous approach to my work. Andrew has recently deployed with 3 Brigade Royal Marines as there official war artist, he has a number of commissions to complete and exhibitions will follow in Plymouth, Portsmouth and London." - Andrew Miller