For me painting is expressing my response to the visual world, and I suppose my emotional reaction to it, from mood to selection of visual subjects. I enjoy painting in an energetic way responding to changing light and weather conditions. For this reason I choose to paint direct from life. The exposure to the elements is a source of excitement.
I started painting from a young age and have been a professional artist for over twenty years. At the moment I am enjoying working in oils as I find this medium more powerful and allows me to work on a bigger scale and to develop a more vigorous approach to my work.
Andrew has recently deployed with 3 Brigade Royal Marines as there official war artist, he has a number of commissions to complete and exhibitions will follow in Plymouth, Portsmouth and London.
Andrew Miller is currently exhibiting in the the ‘Shoulder2shoulder’ exhibition a pictorial history of a modern conflict that will be touring the country. The exhibition starts in Plymouth 27th Jan 12. for more info visit our exhibition page