Luke Shepherd- Portrait Sculptor

Luke Shepherd- Portrait Sculptor / Events / Sat 04 to Sun 05 Nov 2023 (2 days)

Tai Chi - How do I improve my practice? 4th & 5th November 2023

Tai Chi - How do I improve my practice? 4th & 5th November 2023

Deepening Your Practice of Tai Chi
4th & 5th November 2023

Venue: Ashburton Town Hall TQ13 7QQ

What do those more experienced than us understand, feel and train? How can we develop our practice to the next level?

This workshop gives you a chance to get to see your practice in a new light and with this as our starting point Luke will be offering a clear training direction towards developing relaxed elastic issuing forces. Expect a detailed and internal approach (Master Huang lineage) with lots of partner work and plenty to take home.

"Tai Chi gives a clear model for lightening our load and a practical method
for being centered in our being. Finding a strength that only arises from
letting go gives a clear methodology for training." - Luke Shepherd

Level: Keen beginner to advanced from any style.
Teacher: Luke Shepherd
Covering: 5 Loosening Exercises, 37 Short Form, Partner Work, Push Hands, Refinement.

Instructor: Luke Shepherd
Luke Shepherd (1961–) is the principal instructor and founder of Open Palm Tai Chi and one of the Directors of Tai Chi Nation. He is a student of internationally renowned teacher Wee Kee Jin and has been practising Tai Chi since 1981.

Luke divides his time between teaching Tai Chi, his personal training and his work as a sculptor and bronze caster. His current project is i-Chi, through which he offers an authentic online Tai Chi training course . He runs workshops throughout the year .

Whole weekend: £100
Saturday Only £60
Sunday Only £60

Saturday: 10:30am to 4pm. Sunday: 10:30am-4pm.

Levels (a rough guide)
Beginner - complete newbies up to 12 months experience
Improver - 12 months to 2/3 years experience
Intermediate - 2/3 years to 10 years experience
Advanced - more than 10 years experience

For more information visit

Event Location

Ashburton Town Hall

North St
TQ13 7QQ

Telephone: 07531 584 898
