Luke Shepherd- Portrait Sculptor / Events / Thu 05 to Sun 08 Oct 2023 (4 days)
Portrait Sculpture in Clay - October 2023

Mastering Portrait Sculpture
Courses with Luke Shepherd in South Devon
Dates for 2023
Portait Modelling in Clay
Thursday 5th October - Sunday 8th October 2023 Art House, South Brent, Devon
5-Day Silicon Mould Making and Bronze Resin Casting Course
Autumn Date to be confirmed
Sculpture for Surgeons
27th - 29th October 2023 - London, UK
"I don't know when I enjoyed a week as much"
Alan — course participant
What you will learn
This is not a typical art course where you are left to your own devices to find your own expression.
Each studio session is crafted to help you uncover a complex understanding of the subtleties of the human architecture.
Throughout the course, you will focus on method and procedure in a pragmatic approach that enables you to grasp each stage of perception.
You will be able to transfer the skills learnt to figurative and animal sculpting.
Creating a likeness:
Working to commission
Bringing the clay to life
Knowing when to stop
Rescuing a disaster
“You have as much talent for teaching as you do for sculpture and I’m guessing that’s pretty rare.”
JC - Nottingham May 2011
The course is suitable for all levels from beginner to advanced as each participant will be guided according to their requirements.
Cost & Discounts
5% discount for participants who have previously been on a course
5% if you recommend a friend who books a place.
5% Early Bird: Book 2 months before start date
5% Booking 2 separate courses in 1 year
Full details of the course are on my website
For more information visit https://luke-shepherd.com/course-sign-up
Event Location
Artist's Studio
Holne Cross
TQ13 7HE
TQ13 7HE
Telephone: 07531 584 898
Email: lukeportrait@gmail.com
Website: https://luke-shepherd.com/course-sign-up