Lowewood Museum / News / Wed 03 Mar 2021
Lowewood Museum - Trustees recruitment

Lowewood Museum in Broxbourne tells the stories of the Borough through its important collections and photographic archive. Following a review of its governance management of the Museum has been transferred from Broxbourne Borough Council to an independent trust – The Lowewood Museum Trust CIO. With support from the Borough Council and a scheduled re-opening in Spring this year we are planning our future activities that will reach out and engage with local communities.
We are seeking to appoint new Trustees to join our Board who can bring experience and skills in business planning, fundraising, financial management, school and further education to help us develop and deliver our aspirations.
The role of Trustee is non-executive, providing a rewarding opportunity to share your expertise and experience to shape our future.
For a recruitment pack please contact the Chairman of the Trust David Dent at: david.dent503@ntlworld.com
Deadline for applications: Friday 12 March 2021
For more information visit https://lowewoodmuseum.com/2021/02/17/trustees-wanted/
News Location
Lowewood Museum
Lowewood Museum
High Street
EN11 8BH
EN11 8BH
Telephone: 01992 445 596
Email: museum.leisure@broxbourne.gov.uk
Website: https://lowewoodmuseum.com/2021/02/17/trustees-wanted/