Also on the 23rd March, a special Love Music Hate Racism panel will be run before hand from 6 pm in collaboration with Kirklees Year of Music 2023. The tickets for this are FREE and features Zak Cochrane (LoveMusic HateRacism), Rick Blackman (Author of "Babylon’s Burning") and Chris Inperspective (of Black Junglist Alliance and R&S Records)
Tickets / infos -> www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/love-music-hate-racism-panel-zak-cochrane-chris-walton-rick-blackman-tickets-292106427187.
The panel will be discussing and addressing the issues of racism still present in the music industry and the role that music plays in the stand against racism. This seminar is part of the Kirklees Year of Music 2023 music industry programme.