Lofts Music Shed / Events / Mon 08 May 2017
Young Singer Songwriter Club + Emerging Artist's Platform

Loft's Music Shed & Soundlaunch present...
Young Singer Songwriter Club + Emerging Artists Platform
Monthly Mondays starting Mon 8 May | 5.30 – 8pm | £5 (introductory offer) | 13 – 19 yrs | Exeter Phoenix Workshop
Hone your songwriting and live performance skills in these fun and laid-back monthly sessions. With inspiring guidance from songwriters and industry experts Laura Loft and Kate Graham.
To book your place call the Box Office on 01392 667080 or visit www.exeterphoenix.org.uk
For more information visit http://loftsmusicshed.wordpress.com or email Laura: ld_management@live.co.uk
For more information visit http://loftsmusicshed.wordpress.com/
Event Location
Exeter Phoenix
Gandy Street
Brandnich Place
Telephone: 01392 667 080
Email: ld_management@live.co.uk
Website: http://loftsmusicshed.wordpress.com/