An ambitious art installation within the space of a local church, on the theme of the environment and our place within it. A riot of ribbons hanging in the space tell the story of the beauty of creation, through destruction and pollution, to the promise of hope in the shape of the cross.
This was a community project, with managed contributions from various local groups - including schools, Brownies & Rainbows - and visitors were invited to interact with the installation by leaving their mark and take away some wild flower seeds to nurture at home.
The installation was the setting for a series of talks, poetry readings and concerts throughout the week, all on the subject of the environment.
The installation was part of the inaugural Cultivate Arts Festival held in Harpenden Herts from 21st-24th June 2018.
For more information visit http://www.lizsergeant.co.uk/projects23.html
News Location
St John's Church
St Johns Road
Email: liz@lizsergeant.co.uk
Website: http://www.lizsergeant.co.uk/projects23.html