Liz Dobson CollabHub / Events / Thu 11 Feb 2016
Pitch your ideas and find collaborators!

Welcome to the newest CollabHub: Pitch and Meet Event!
No matter whether you are a student, alumnus, local business or charity you're welcome to join us. Collabhub hosts several meetings during the year that allow attendees to pitch their ideas, collaborate, network and explore new areas across a host of different disciplines.
CollabHub is an organisation that promotes and facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration between students. We provide opportunities to share ideas, pitch projects and to get together a team with different skills to turn your ideas into reality.
Fill in the form to tell us all about you, and come along - everyone welcome!
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/events/921349524652391/
Event Location
University of Huddersfield
Student Central (upstairs)
University of Huddersfield
Email: collabhub@hud.ac.uk
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/921349524652391/