Liz Dobson CollabHub / Events / Fri 30 Oct 2015
CollabHub: Pitch and Development Meeting

CollabHub is an organisation that promotes and facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration between different university schools, students and external people. If you have an idea for a project but have no resources and know no people to make it happen, come along to one of our meetings.
We will be following up on existing projects and pitching new ones.
Do you have an idea you'd like to propose? What would you like to see facilitated this year via CollabHub?
Come to meet game designers, musicians, visual designers and illustrators, writers and others! Come to inject life into an ambition, an idea that you can't get off the ground without collaborators - people with complementary skills to turn your idea into reality.
Secure your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/collabhub-october-30th-tickets-19182255643
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1475309442776663/
Event Location
University of Huddersfiled
Harold Wilson Building, Ground Floor, Room 7
University of Huddersfield
Email: collabhub@hud.ac.uk
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/1475309442776663/