At CollabHub meetings
- new projects can be pitched (modest or ambitious it doesn't matter)
- you can hear new ideas or pitch something yourself to find other's with the skills you need
- hear about existing projects
- meet a community of people interested in imagining and co-creating new initiatives
Today there will be presentations on light painting, audiovisual work and discussion of this year's Collaboration Hub Symposium on May 16 - local artists, businesses and organisations (like Hoot) are welcome to all CollabHub events and this is a great opportunity to show work and network also.
We will be in the Researcher Hub on campus at The University of Huddersfield.
Go to building 18, the entrance is to the left of the number.
Hope to see you there!
University of Huddersfield, Room RH2/07 (see above) at 5.30
All welcome!
For more information visit http://collabhub.org/
Event Location
Researcher Hub
University of Huddersfield.
Building 18 on the map (entrance to the left of the building)
Telephone: 01484 471 890
Email: e.d.dobson@hud.ac.uk
Website: http://collabhub.org/