Liz Dobson CollabHub Collaboration Hub (interdisciplinary networking and making)
The Collaboration Hub welcomes all creatives to come and pitch ideas for collaboration. Ideas can be modest, to just scope out something new. Ideas can be on a larger scale, particularly where you need to meet people with a wider diversity of skills.
The CollabHub network has over 800 members on the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/collabhub/
Many are students and alumni (from arts disciplines predominantly but not exclusively).
We have several key members who are local artists and practitioners, including Amy Hirst of Sensation Arts http://www.sensation-arts.co.uk/, Dex Hannon of The Broken Toy Company http://brokentoycompany.co.uk/ and also links with Hoot, David Helm and even the local Women's Institute.
There is an annual symposium and you can find out more about the group here:http://collabhub.org/
Why visit a meeting? Aside from networking and making possibilities in the area, you can meet students who have enormous enthusiasm, talent and access to cutting edge resources in their fields. They gain a lot through collaborative interdisciplinary work, and it is also interesting to participate in a collaboration where you have a vision, and just enough trust to see where such a group can take it.
If you want to contact the team, please e-mail rather than telephone if possible.
View my website http://collabhub.org/
My Location
University of Huddersfield
Telephone: 01484 471 890
Email: lizzydaquino@gmail.com
Website: http://collabhub.org/
My Events
Pitch your ideas and find collaborators! / Thu 11 Feb 2016
Welcome to the newest CollabHub: Pitch and Meet Event! No matter whether you are a student, alumnus, local business or charity you're welcome to jo...
CollabHub: Pitch and Development Meeting / Fri 30 Oct 2015
CollabHub is an organisation that promotes and facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration between different university schools, students and external...
Festival of collaboration, co-creating and networking / Sat 16 May 2015
We invite you to The 3rd annual Collaboration Hub Symposium at The University of Huddersfield. Featuring David Helm from The Craft Workshop, a potter ...