Live at Huddersfield / Events / Thu 07 Nov 2019
Ménilmontant & The Smiling Madame Beudet

Thursday 7th November, 7:30pm
Irine Røsnes (violin) and Jonny Best (piano)
A double-bill of 1920s French cinema with improvised musical accompaniment. Germaine Dulac co-founded the impressionist movement of film makers in 1920s Paris and her 1928 The Smiling Madame Beudet is often acknowledged as the first feminist film. Dmitri Kirsanoff’s 1926 Ménilmontant is impressionist cinema at its most beguiling and poetic: New Yorker film critic Pauline Kael famously declared Ménilmontant her favourite film. This double-bill brings together two of the Parisian avant-garde’s most individual talents and is an ideal introduction to silent film.
For more information visit http://hud.ac.uk/live
Event Location
Phipps Hall
University of Huddersfield
Email: live@hud.ac.uk
Website: http://hud.ac.uk/live