Live at Huddersfield / Events / Thu 12 Mar 2020
Jakob Fichert (piano) - A 21st Century View on Liszt CANCELLED

Thursday 12th March, 1:15pm
This event features some of the most iconic masterpieces by Liszt alongside contemporary works inspired by his music. Desmond Clarke, Frederick Viner and Robert Fokkens, three composers of highly differing styles have written commentaries on Deuxième Année, Italie, the second book of Années de Pèlerinage. Clarke’s Liszt Fields consists of small pieces to be performed in-between the first three items of Deuxième Année. The Petrarca Sonnets are the basis of Viner’s composition, Sonnetto, and Fokkens has contributed a commentary on the Dante Sonata: Précis: On hearing a work by Liszt.
For more information visit http://hud.ac.uk/live
Event Location
St Paul's Hall
University of Huddersfield
Email: live@hud.ac.uk
Website: http://hud.ac.uk/live