Live at Huddersfield / Events / Wed 17 Jun 2020
Discovering Music Technology Together in 2020

A symposium and CPD day for teachers and university academics at the University of Huddersfield, 9.30am - 4.30pm.
The University of Huddersfield is partnering with Greenhead College to host a day of training and discussions on music technology education and progression. The aim of the event is to promote conversation regarding strategies for delivering music technology in practice, develop connections amongst staff, provide an opportunity for relationship building and explore opportunities for collaborative delivery.
The day includes:
- Studio based workshops: Annotated teaching on key areas of the curriculum.
- Music technology pedagogy discussions: Sharing experience around delivering these areas of the curriculum.
- Facilities: Oppertunity to see world class music technology facilities and ask questions about how they are used in practice.
- Double keynote, including Greenhead College's head of music technology, James Reevell on assessment structures in A-Level and HE, to look closely at structures and cohesion across levels.
- Soapbox: A follow up from the keynote designed to open up areas of interest and priority to delegates (teachers, university tutors, students and alumni).
- Information: Find out about the University of Huddersfield music and music technology courses, and student destinations.
- Students and alumni: Available to talk about their experience and contribute to the discussion.
For more information visit http://www.hud.ac/f8i
Event Location
University of Huddersfield
Email: marketingmhm@hud.ac.uk
Website: http://www.hud.ac/f8i