I am really pleased to be part of this project. Musicians/producers from all over the world contributed. I was the only one from the UK and my tune is called Dr humerus (track 17), in recognition of the person who thought of the idea ie Dr Nojoke. The album called Glass Study, was released on the brilliant Klangscheiben Records, Germany.
For Klangscheiben’s 40th digital release, our glasses are all half full.
What started as an investigative sound study by Berlin’s Dr. Nojoke quickly morphed into Glass Study, arguably the label’s most interesting and innovative multi-artist release yet. Using an empty Ikea glass as a building block for the track’s main sound components, Dr. Nojoke produced a clikno-tempered track called “Glassy,” and challenged a group of like-minded artists to do the same. The empty glass soundscape here finds its way into pieces from the likes of Sebastian Albrecht, K2TR, Alicia Hush, AnnOther, Pontius & Pilatus, Tomzn, Kira, Storlon, and Klangscheiben boss Demas, among many others.
artwork by sebastian mehl, text by emma robertson
For more information visit https://klangscheiben.bandcamp.com/album/ksr040-various-artists-dr-nojoke-s-glass-study