Literature Works / Events / Sat 07 Jul 2012
FREE Writers in Residence Networking Day - Taunton

Cyprus Well is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the very first Writer-in-Residence Networking Day on Saturday July 7th at Bishops Hull House in Taunton. The day will run from 10.30am-4.30pm and it is completely free to attend.
Having offered this opportunity to the fantastic job applicants we had, we are pleased to be able to open it out to all writers in the region. The day will be comprised of a series of talks, readings and the opportunity to network with other writers.
Some of the planned sessions include: "Reading and Writing with
Dementia Sufferers/ The Bereaved" - Ann Gray "Different
Approaches to Working with Schools" (Primary and Secondary) - Phil Bowen and Cliff Yates
"Writers in Prisons" - Clive Hopwood
A full programme will be e-mailed to attendees nearer the time.To reserve your free place on this conference day, please an e-mail to Kate Wilson at mail at cypruswell dot org. Please note, places are limited and will be awarded on a first come, first served basis to writers based in the South West.