Literature Works / Opportunities / Fri 13 Apr 2012
Exciting Opportunity for South West Writers

Deadline: 12 Noon Friday 13th April
Cyprus Well is the Literature Development Agency for the south-west of England. Its core work is funded by Arts Council England, and its primary remit is to support the development of reading and writing, readers and writers in the region. Cyprus Well has recently been awarded a major Big Lottery Grant for its Read/Write SW Project. This aims to develop reading and creative writing across the region, chiefly by the specific placing of writers-in-residence in key areas of need, generally based within the local authority Library services, and by the development of a number of 'Young Writers' Squads'.
We are now looking to recruit a roster of high-quality writers across the region to undertake various aspects of this work, in both longer-term residencies and shorter-term projects, depending on specific needs and opportunities as agreed with our various project partners.
The project will also seek to offer writers opportunities for professional development, through establishing a SW Writers-in-residence Network, with regular Network days offering opportunities to share and develop working practice. We also hope to offer younger, less experienced writers who wish to work as Writers-in-residence opportunities for shadowing/being mentored by more established Writers-in-residence.
If you are a published writer, with experience of working in a community setting we want to hear from you. Whenever possible, as a regional agency, we wish to employ writers who are based in the SW region, and we are committed to the development of a pool of qualified writers who will undergo ongoing professional training and development as part of their work with us.
We will require evidence that you have had at least one book of creative writing published by a reputable publisher, or one work of drama professionally staged, or a considerable body of published work in recognised magazines, newspapers or other media. We will also require evidence of work undertaken as a professional writer in a community setting. We will also require two written references, one of which must be in reference to the residency work.
Once the above have been submitted, we will contact those selected, and they will be visited by our Project Manager. Successful applicants will then be informed, and asked if they wish to be placed on our Writers' List. If you agree, you will be required to undertake an enhanced CRB check, and must be able to be contracted on a self-employed basis.
Successful applicants will be placed on our list of regional writers, and offered work as and when suitable opportunities arise. Being accepted on to the list is not a direct guarantee of future work.
If you would like to be part of this exciting project please send your CV, evidence of publication and references to:
David Woolley
Cyprus Well
Exeter Central Library
For more information visit http://www.cypruswellcommunity.org/
Opportunity Location
Website: http://www.cypruswellcommunity.org/