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A poem about love...

Thu 01 Sep 2011

A poem about love...

This is a poem I wrote about the day I met my boyfriend: Waking up to yet another one of those mornings, The heavy clouds of rain give me no warnings. That i'd be falling like its rain drops today. I never saw me, .....Read more

Another poem about love

Thu 01 Sep 2011

Another poem about love

This is a poem I wrote about falling in love with my boyfriend and how people thought it was too soon to feel so strongly: The finest details seem to form beautifully between us, Like Japnses art every lines got so m.....Read more

A poem about finding comfort

Thu 01 Sep 2011

A poem about finding comfort

I wrote this poem to show how I felt about finally finding someone who cares: Each and every day was tred with no direction, Stumbling through the hurt without protection. Drink after drink to hide away the confusio.....Read more

A poem about life

Thu 01 Sep 2011

A poem about life

This is a poem I wrote about all the bitterness in the world: Were are all pieces in this world a puzzle, Give the two faced girls here a muzzle. To stop them biting at eachothers backs, The ego crumples for the vi.....Read more

A poem about prayer

Thu 01 Sep 2011

A poem about prayer

This is a poem I wrote about how I turned to god during my hard times: Its hard to shake hands with a clenched fist, Stop seeking simpathy everyones story has a twist. So open that hand to friendship and i'll shake .....Read more

A poem about turning back to God

Thu 01 Sep 2011

A poem about turning back to God

A poem about how I turned back to God after the tough times I was going through: An ever so slight whisper of something catches my attention, To bring to attention the down sides my previous intention. Every step i .....Read more

A poem about a arguement

Thu 01 Sep 2011

A poem about a arguement

A poem about a argument I had with my boyfriend: I tried to help out when you felt blue and down, But you threw it in my face, you'd rather drown. Nothings perfect and i know that, love can sting like a bee, Or Hel.....Read more

A poem about the first week

Thu 01 Sep 2011

A poem about the first week

A poem I wrote after a week of being with my boyfriend: Never in my life have a had a week quite like this, One where everythings gone right in absolute bliss. The feeling of belonging, like its all meant to be, I .....Read more

A poem about moodswings

Thu 01 Sep 2011

A poem about moodswings

This is a poem about me feeling all over the place because I kept having mood swings: Up and Down, Up and Down go my moods as they fling , As unsure of where i am as a yo-you played on a string. One moment im up the.....Read more

A poem about pseudocyesis

Thu 01 Sep 2011

A poem about pseudocyesis

A poem I wrote about pseudocyesis : The feeling of having something there, But nothing's living inside you they swear. Its like your stone cold and dead inside, Everyones still convinsed you have lied. Run your h.....Read more

A peom about starting over

Sun 04 Sep 2011

A peom about starting over

I wrote this poem after i had a day of reflection with my boyfriend: My Mind keeps saying there must be more than this, More than the usual hug and sigh and goodbye kiss. I cant tell you how it felt as i turned my b.....Read more

A poem about hope

Sun 04 Sep 2011

A poem about hope

This is a poem i wrote about finding hope. Its a poem i hope i can look back on and smile when things get tough: This time this one is just for us two, Just a little poem to help us through. Look back and smile at o.....Read more

A amusing poem about my boyfriend

Sun 04 Sep 2011

A amusing poem about my boyfriend

This is a funny poem about my boyfriend, the picture shows what i mean about his frown as it is what he usually looks like : All good things come to those who wait, And atlast he got handed to me on a plate. The man.....Read more

A peom about 2nd week

Mon 12 Sep 2011

A peom about 2nd week

this is a poem i have written about the two weeks i have been with the god-send that is my new boyfriend.... What can i say? I am amazed and I am speachless, This time has made me feel more than i can express. Who.....Read more

A peom about hurt

Mon 12 Sep 2011

A peom about hurt

This is a peom about a friend of mine who is hurting alot but cant seem to share it and talk to anyone about it. It is making her a sour person and i wrote this as a outreach to her. You and your attitude sitdown and .....Read more

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