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The Sky Lights A Fire

Fri 09 Jan 2015

The Sky Lights A Fire

I have a hardback book, ‘The Sky Lights A Fire’ which contains over 50 full colour images, mostly landscapes, and a few figures, with 12 accompanying poems. Price £20 to collect from 54 Tarrant Street, Arundel, West Suss.....Read more

Cracked Voices

Wed 01 Feb 2017

Cracked Voices

Cracked Voices is an exciting collaboration between writer Graham Palmer and composer Jenni Pinnock which will result in a new 30 minute song cycle. The songs will give voice to the lost tales and characters of the bord.....Read more

We want to write your song!

Tue 16 May 2017

We want to write your song!

The creators of a classical song cycle are asking the public for suggestions of who they should base their final song on. Composer Jenni Pinnock and writer Graham Palmer have already written songs about a local shopk.....Read more

Poetry for a devastated church

Wed 02 Jan 2019

Poetry for a devastated church

ISBN 978-0-9524753-2-3 48pp One Tree Publishing (UK) The Cracked Voices 48 page pamphlet featuring the stories and poems from the lost borderlands of Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire is now on sale. Proceeds wi.....Read more

Royston makes the most of Voluntary Arts Week (9-18 May 2014)

Tue 22 Apr 2014

Royston makes the most of Voluntary Arts Week (9-18 May 2014)

Eight different arts and craft groups are opening their doors during Voluntary Arts Week 2014 to welcome people in in Royston. From knitting, to singing, story-writing to playing a brass instrument....why not have a .....Read more

Everything changes: writing workshop

Sat 12 Aug 2017

Everything changes: writing workshop

Royston Arts Festival Everything changes: A writing workshop exploring place and time Whether you’re a beginner in creative writing or a more advanced writer looking for ideas, this half-day workshop will help you .....Read more

Poetry Reading, Arts Takeover, Letchworth 22/7/17

Mon 24 Jul 2017

Poetry Reading, Arts Takeover, Letchworth 22/7/17

Here's me, reading to the rain, at the Arts takeover in Letchworth on Saturday. Poetry ID, who are based at The Settlement, read on The Wynd stage in the morning (when it was sunny!). Despite the weather, a successful .....Read more

Poetry at the Pudding Stop 6/3/19

Sat 23 Feb 2019

Poetry at the Pudding Stop 6/3/19

I'll be reading (along with several other Ver poets) at the Pudding Stop in St. Albans on Wednesday 6th March. Come along and eat pudding/listen to poetry!..Read more

THE GIANT from Old-Fashioned They May Be

Sat 18 Apr 2020

THE GIANT from Old-Fashioned They May Be

THE GIANT “Outside, and run to the fence and back,” said the teacher to her Year Two class of the little school. The children ran outside and onto the field, and sped as fast as they could go towards the chain-lin.....Read more

Educational visits - prices held for 2014

Thu 29 Aug 2013

Educational visits - prices held for 2014

Let your pupils experience literacy away from the classroom. If you are looking for a creative writing experience as part of your school's artsmark extra-curricular provision, please contact us. Don't forget, there is.....Read more

Knebworth House launches Herts schools story writing competition

Fri 17 Jan 2014

Knebworth House launches Herts schools story writing competition

Inspiring young writers – Knebworth House launches Hertfordshire Schools Story Writing Competition. Knebworth is often described as a ‘treasure house of stories’, and is one of the country’s great literary houses. Kne.....Read more

Herts & Minds - new writing from 20 Herts writers

Wed 29 Jan 2020

Herts & Minds - new writing from 20 Herts writers

Herts & Minds is the latest anthology from Hertford Writers' Circle, with 30 new stories and poems by 20 authors, many inspired by the history and landscape of Hertfordshire. Bestseller writer Michael Dobbs, author of.....Read more

The Wolf Returns to St Albans

Sun 05 Oct 2014

The Wolf Returns to St Albans

FOLKIES AND POETS COMBINE FORCES If you’re looking for some arty entertainment for a Saturday night, try the cabaret evening at the Maltings Arts Theatre for a mix of music, folk songs and some of the best modern poetry.....Read more

Dylan Thomas Evening

Sun 05 Oct 2014

Dylan Thomas Evening

The rumours have started. A dead poet has been spotted late at night, stumbling through the Maltings. “Dylan Thomas is still alive,” it’s whispered. “Surely that was Elvis?” comes the reply. But the witness knows what .....Read more

Working in partnership with Pear Tree Primary School

Mon 24 Aug 2015

Working in partnership with Pear Tree Primary School

The new Head Teacher at Pear Tree Primary School popped into RECOVER earlier this year to find out what we are all about. Liking what she saw we were commissioned to up-cycle some of their existing furniture for their li.....Read more

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