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Encounters Lab

Wed 15 Feb 2012

Encounters Lab

Encounters Lab series Next one on Friday February 24th, at Encounters, Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon Meeting the messy moments and fertile edges of engaged socio-ecological practice, explore your creative practic.....Read more

Encounters Lab, Friday 16th March

Mon 12 Mar 2012

Encounters Lab, Friday 16th March

Encounters Lab No. 7 - Meeting the messy moments and fertile edges of socially and ecological engaged practice. March 16th, 2012, Studio 20, Dartington, Devon Last month's lab focused on creative responses to .....Read more

Inspired by history, made for the future

Thu 17 Sep 2015

Inspired by history, made for the future

Four hand-made bronze animal 'Talismans' have been included in the Britain’s First Human exhibition at Torquay Museum which is now open.   Inspired by the ancient animals found in Kent's Cavern, the figures have been .....Read more

Arts Anonymous new mural at the North Bridge Inn, Exeter

Sat 04 Feb 2012

Arts Anonymous new mural at the North Bridge Inn, Exeter

Braving the January cold, Mos and NME completed the mural for the North Bridge Inn, Exeter and the Devon Brewing Company. With an added appearance by Miss *C, the gable end of the building is now transformed, and there .....Read more

Live painting by My Dog Sighs

Tue 22 May 2012

Live painting by My Dog Sighs

Fresh from his appearance on BBC2's 'The Culture Show', Portsmouth artist My Dog Sighs will be taking time out of his busy schedule to paint the front of Arts Anonymous gallery in Teignmouth this Saturday, 26th May. Reg.....Read more

Attempting to piece together a portfolio

Thu 08 May 2014

Attempting to piece together a portfolio

I've recently decided that I need to drop my other hobbies for the time being and focus on actually pushing toward the goal of become a tattoo artist in my (infrequent) spare time. If I don't want to be stuck in a retail.....Read more

WINNER: artist toolkit for artists making work in Paignton

Fri 04 Jan 2013

WINNER: artist toolkit for artists making work in Paignton

Are you developing an art project in Paignton? have a look at the artist toolkit Holly Smith and Gareth Ballyn made during their WINNER: highstreet neighbourhood project on WInner Street. Its a short and sweet toolkit.....Read more


Wed 15 Jan 2014


My exhibition with Agora Gallery has now finished and my paintings are on their way back although all my images are still on the Art Mine website @Agora Gallery and I can be found under the name Susan E Ash. I have just.....Read more

Dragon illustration

Fri 12 Aug 2011

Dragon illustration

Impact Book have published a new book called Dragon World where a couple of my illustrations have been used, along with a bio and information about my work. Take a look at a review here at more

A peom about starting over

Sun 04 Sep 2011

A peom about starting over

I wrote this poem after i had a day of reflection with my boyfriend: My Mind keeps saying there must be more than this, More than the usual hug and sigh and goodbye kiss. I cant tell you how it felt as i turned my b.....Read more

Free soundart/field recording mp3

Thu 22 Sep 2011

Free soundart/field recording mp3 this is a remixed recording of the annoyingly bland tannoy announcements at Victoria Place shopping centre in London...Read more

September 2011

Wed 28 Sep 2011

September 2011

The whole September 2011 collection of Amiga glitch sounds and noises is for up for downloading at your leisure: more

Exhibition In- between places / Imaginary constellations & music

Sun 29 Sep 2013

Exhibition In- between places / Imaginary constellations & music

On the 4th September artists and musicians Anna Georghiou and Phil Bird left their home in Okehampton Devon to return to Cyprus where they lived and worked for 7 years for their joint exhibition Inbetween - places / imag.....Read more

Patrick Jones exhibits at Falmouth Art Gallery 26 Nov - 4 Feb

Mon 28 Nov 2011

Patrick Jones exhibits at Falmouth Art Gallery 26 Nov - 4 Feb

Patrick is currently exhibiting at Falmouth Art Gallery in a group exhibition called Fishwick & Friends. Clifford Fishwick (1923-1997) was a regular visitor to Cornwall, with Falmouth being one of his favourite haunts.....Read more

Patrick Jones Abstract Art Classes new term at Exeter Phoenix

Mon 28 Jan 2013

Patrick Jones Abstract Art Classes new term at Exeter Phoenix

ABSTRACT ART CLASSES AT EXETER PHOENIX - ANOTHER GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO WORK WITH PATRICK! Patrick Jones abstract art classes have just started for the Spring Term at Exeter Phoenix, Gandy Street Exeter. Classes run every.....Read more

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