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Events / Catherine O'Sullivan / Archive / 1 to 7 of 7

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Drawing lessons for the beginner

Fri 22 to Sun 24 Mar 2019 (3 days)

Drawing lessons for the beginner

Have you bought all the equipment but haven't got around to using it or not drawn since school but would like to start again? Now is the chance to rediscover and improve your artistic ability. Contact Catherine who will.....Read more

Dry Point Etching/Printing workshop

Tue 16 Apr 2019

Dry Point Etching/Printing workshop

Ever tried your hand at dry point printing? Well now is your chance. Come along to a one day workshop where you can learn the process and create something unique. A friendly atmosphere with refreshments provided...Read more

Lino Printing Workshop

Wed 24 Apr 2019

Lino Printing Workshop

Why not sign up for the Lino Printing workshop at the Holmfirth Tech? A tutor led lesson for the beginner and more experienced person. Learn the basics or try something a little more advanced like a two or three colour r.....Read more

Life Drawing Class

Sat 25 May 2019

Life Drawing Class

Life Drawing session. Book early to ensure a place! A tutor led session for the beginner and more experienced person. If you are a seasoned professional at life drawing then why not book on the course and use this sessio.....Read more

Festive Felting

Sun 22 Dec 2019

Festive Felting

Why not come along to the Holmfirth Tech on the 22nd of December and take part in some festive needle felting? Make a Christmas decoration such as a santa or snowman whilst drinking mulled wine and eatting mince pies!..Read more

Festive Lino Printing

Sat 14 Dec 2019

Festive Lino Printing

Come along and learn how to lino print. Take home your print block so that you can use it again. If you have already experience lino printing then maybe try a 2 colour reduction? We will be making festive prints and card.....Read more

Art Exhibition

Sat 14 Dec 2019

Art Exhibition

Catherine O'Sullivan is a local artist and art teacher who also provides classes at the Holmfirth Tech. On the 14th of December Catherine will be showing and selling her work at the Tech to coinside with the Holmfirth T.....Read more