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Kagemusha Taiko

Sat 03 Dec 2011

Kagemusha Taiko

What is Taiko? Taiko, originally from Japan, is a highly-choreographed, theatrical style of drumming, with much in common with dance and martial arts. Playing taiko requires fitness and stamina as much as rhythm skill.....Read more

December Billy Thompson Gypsy Style Live

Mon 05 Dec 2011

December Billy Thompson Gypsy Style Live

Performing in the Gypsy Jazz or ‘Hot Club’ style, Billy has performed with international guitarists Gary Potter, John Etheridge, Lollo Meier, Andreas Oberg, Martyn Taylor and Howard Alden amongst others… Though perfo.....Read more

Mike Westbrook Big Band Xmas Special

Sat 17 Dec 2011

Mike Westbrook Big Band Xmas Special

Description THE MIKE WESTBROOK BIG BAND in A BIG BAND XMAS SPECIAL ... A contemporary big band entertainment for the festive season featuring vocalist Kate Westbrook, a galaxy of soloists and some of the fines.....Read more

Rocky Monster Show at the Palace Theatre, Paignton

Sat 04 Feb 2012

Rocky Monster Show at the Palace Theatre, Paignton

After the success of last year's Olivia!, the cast and crew of JEMS are back on the stage at the Palace Theatre, Paignton. Written by Malcolm Sircom, and under the direction of Jan Pitwell, the excellent cast of local ta.....Read more

A passion for bird illustration

Thu 12 Jan to Sat 11 Feb 2012 (1 month)

A passion for bird illustration

A Passion for Bird Illustration An art exhibition by Mike Langman Cockington Court Craft Centre Kitchen Gallery 12 January-11 February 2012 open daily 10am-5pm - free entry ..Read more

The art and craft of song writing

Sat 05 May 2012

The art and craft of song writing

One day Workshop with singer song writer Phil Bird , May 5th 2012, 10 - 12.30 am & 1.00 -4.00 pm Do You have a passion for Words, stories and melodies? Have you always wanted to write lyrics but don't know where to.....Read more

Martin Parr: Photobiography - Illustrated Talk

Wed 09 Jan 2013

Martin Parr: Photobiography - Illustrated Talk

Tickets £10 (£7 concession for students and 65+). Booking essential. Book through CCANW's website or call 01392 832277. Martin Parr will talk about his carreer as one of Britain’s most important and best loved photo.....Read more

Random Acts Theatre Presents Stephen Fechter's 'The Woodsman'

Wed 01 to Fri 10 Feb 2012 (1 week)

Random Acts Theatre Presents Stephen Fechter's 'The Woodsman'

Exeter Phoenix Black Box February 1st-4th; 8th - 10th £8 (£5 Concessional) Random Acts Theatre continues its tradition of excellence presenting a two week run of Steven Fetcher's The Woodsman. The portrait of a life.....Read more

Tue 13 Dec 2011

Torquay Workhub? Focus Group for freelancers/home workers

Do you work for yourself from home in the Torbay/Teignbridge/South Hams area? Ever wished you had access to a decent meeting place, somewhere to collaborate/network with people who work the same way that you do? The .....Read more

David Blakeley @ Shaldon 1785 Art & Craft Days 2012

Fri 01 Jun to Sat 15 Sep 2012 (4 months)

David Blakeley @ Shaldon 1785 Art & Craft Days 2012

Shaldon village holds a Art and Craft day on every Wednesday between the 1st June and 15th September. It is held on the village green between the hours of 10am to 4pm. I will be attending this event of various Wednesday'.....Read more

David Blakeley @ Torbay Carnival 2012

Wed 25 Jul 2012

David Blakeley @ Torbay Carnival 2012

I am pleased to confirm I will have a stand at the Torbay Carnival on Wednesday 25th July 2012. It will be in the Art & Craft marquee on the North Green of Paignton Seafront. The marquee will be open from 10am to 10pm an.....Read more

David Blakeley @ Torbay Steam Fair 2012

Fri 03 to Sun 05 Aug 2012 (3 days)

David Blakeley @ Torbay Steam Fair 2012

I am very pleased to confirm that I will have an art and craft stand at the Torbay Steam Fair 2012. This will be my first time at the event and I hope for great things. It takes place over the weekend of the 3rd, 4th and.....Read more


Sat 29 Mar 2014


You are all welcome to the free performing arts taster day at Ashburton town hall on the 29th March in Asburton. Please come and join me for a free taster of what my performing arts clubs are going to be like. 1p.....Read more

The Sound Of Music

Tue 26 to Sat 30 Jun 2012 (5 days)

The Sound Of Music

TOADS Stage Musical Company...present The Sound Of Music - This Week! 26th - 30th June nightly at 7.30pm, Sat matinee at 2.30pm..Read more

Dancing Queen plays at the Princess Theatre, Torquay

Sat 07 Jul 2012

Dancing Queen plays at the Princess Theatre, Torquay

‘Dancing Queen’. This show is with us on Saturday 7th July with two performances, one at 5pm and the other at 8pm. Celebrating timeless hits from the pop phenomenon Abba and hot on the heels of the huge success of the .....Read more

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