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Events / Artistsmeet / Archive / 16 to 30 of 126
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Mon 08 Dec 2014
June Faulkner: Silk painting demonstration and taster session
Monday 8 December from 11am-12:30pm June will be appearing at Artistsmeet to demonstrate the art of silk painting by hand, come along to watch her in action and try it for yourself by adding to a collaborative textile.....Read more

Wed 21 Jan to Tue 24 Mar 2015 (2 months)
Places of Transition: exhibition by Imogen Perkin
'Places of Transition' is an exhibition of paintings by artist Imogen Perkin, which will be on display from Wednesday 21st January - Tuesday 24th March at Artistsmeet. Her paintings are "landscapes of a man-made world.....Read more

Wed 28 Jan 2015
Imogen Perkin: creative coffee morning
Wednesday 28th January 11am - 1pm Join us for the launch of Imogen Perkin's exhibition 'Places of Transition', hosted as part of a creative coffee morning in Artistsmeet. Imogen will be with us to answer any ques.....Read more

Thu 26 Mar to Tue 28 Apr 2015 (1 month)
Young Masters presents...Rickmansworth School
We are excited to introduce Young Masters at Artistsmeet, two overlapping exhibitions dedicated to the work of young people. Thursday 26th March - Tuesday 28th April Young Masters presents...Rickmansworth School A.....Read more

Thu 16 to Tue 28 Apr 2015 (2 weeks)
Young Masters presents...The Film Box and The Art Box
We are excited to introduce Young Masters at Artistsmeet, two overlapping exhibitions dedicated to the work of young people. Thursday 16th April - Thursday 28th April Young Masters presents...The Film Box and The Art.....Read more

Wed 06 May to Sun 28 Jun 2015 (2 months)
Spring: Solo exhibition by Molly Hagan
'Spring' solo exhibition Molly Hagan 6th May - 28th June Inspired by patterns found in nature and human existence, Molly creates intricate paper cut outs and 3D installations that are suspended, experimenting with l.....Read more

Wed 06 May 2015
Print and natter event with Molly Hagan
Print and Natter Creative coffee launch and lino printing Wednesday 6th May 11am - 1pm Not to be missed, we are hosting an event with artist Molly Hagan as part of her solo exhibition 'Spring' at Artistsmeet. Com.....Read more

Wed 27 May 2015
Rickmansworth Craftbomb
Come and join the fun in Rickmansworth this half term at an exciting outdoor Craftbomb event, in continued celebration of Voluntary Arts Week 2015. The Rickmansworth Craftbomb is a family friendly drop-in event run by.....Read more

Wed 01 Jul to Thu 27 Aug 2015 (2 months)
How vast : exhibition by Ewa Wawrzyniak
Artistsmeet are delighted to be featuring for the first time an exquisite collection of fused glass and sand casted pieces, by local artist Ewa Wawrzyniak. Ewa’s dreamscape sculptures are about vulnerability and prote.....Read more

Mon 20 Jul 2015
Glass fusion workshop with Ewa Wawrzyniak
Don’t miss this exciting introduction to glass fusing with Ewa Wawrzyniak as part of her exhibition 'How vast...' at Artistsmeet this summer. You will work with Ewa to create your own piece of unique glass.....Read more

Tue 07 Jul 2015
Artist Q&A and exhibition launch: Ewa Wawrzyniak
Join us for the evening reception of Ewa’s exhibition 'How vast...' at Artistsmeet, where we will be hosting an informal artist Q&A. Ewa will be discussing the concepts and inspiration behind her fused an.....Read more

Wed 02 to Fri 25 Sep 2015 (3 weeks)
Frances Williams exhibition: 'Imagining Reality' Open Studios
September welcomes the annual celebration of Open Studios across the county, a well-established programme of events and exhibitions organised by Herts Visual Arts which sees artists, craftmakers and designers opening the.....Read more

Wed 09 Sep 2015
Frances Williams: exhibition launch event
Celebratory evening launch Wednesday 9 September 6:30 - 8pm You are very welcome to join Frances for her evening reception of 'Imagining Reality' in the gallery, it will be a perfect opportunity to ask her question.....Read more

Wed 16 Sep 2015
Frances Williams: Wax resist and collage workshop
Wax resist and collage workshop Wednesday 16 September 11am - 1pm Join us for one of our highly popular taster workshops. Frances will be demonstrating and running a session in wax resist, using collage techniqu.....Read more

Wed 14 Oct 2015
Life Drawing with Pencil Wright
Three Rivers District Council are delighted to announce their involvement in The Big Draw 2015, a worldwide celebration of drawing which connects people of all ages with museums, outdoor spaces, artists, designers, illu.....Read more