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International dawn chorus day walk

Sat 09 May 2015

International dawn chorus day walk

Routeways and Connections South Devon AONB and Encounters Arts, with partners, local groups and communities have a wide range of creative outdoor events on offer for you this spring. Explore what makes the Kingswear and.....Read more

Luton Peninsula Fair

Sun 10 May 2015

Luton Peninsula Fair

Free family fun at the first ever South Devon AONB, Encounters Arts and partners invite you to the first ever Peninsula Fair at Lupton House! Come and celebrate the unique Brixham and Kingswear Peninsula and all it.....Read more

Museum of Now

Sun 14 Jun 2015

Museum of Now

For generations humans have made sense of their lives and communicated their experiences through making objects and the Museum of Now invites us all to do this for our times. You will be able to take something preciou.....Read more

Meet me on the Boat - the boat trips

Sun 13 to Wed 16 Sep 2015 (4 days)

Meet me on the Boat - the boat trips

This summer Encounters Arts and joining Doorstep Arts and emerging artists to produce our latest project Meet me on the Boat. Meet me on the Boat is a series of creative conversations with a difference, taking place o.....Read more

Museum of Now - The art of wax casting

Mon 17 to Thu 20 Aug 2015 (4 days)

Museum of Now - The art of wax casting

Over the summer months, groups will be making personal and collective objects that will become part of Torquay Museum's exhibitions in the autumn. If you are a father with a teenage son in Torquay and you would both l.....Read more

Museum of Now - Lace-making

Sat 22 to Thu 27 Aug 2015 (6 days)

Museum of Now - Lace-making

Over the summer months, groups will be making personal and collective objects that will become part of Torquay Museum's exhibitions in the autumn. If you are interested in learning a traditional form of lace-making an.....Read more

Museum of Now

Sat 24 Oct to Thu 31 Dec 2015 (2 months)

Museum of Now

Come along and visit a unique collection within Torquay Museum made by the people of Torquay during the Museum of Now Project this summer. The people of Torquay were invited to share what is important to them now throug.....Read more


Thu 22 to Tue 27 Oct 2015 (6 days)


You are invited to ask questions about youth and age, sickness and health and hear stories in the company of a new troupe of fifteen Grandmothers drawn together from across Dartmouth, Paignton and Totnes. This unique.....Read more

The Art of Invitation

Mon 09 to Fri 13 Nov 2015 (5 days)

The Art of Invitation

The Art of Invitation - Creative Engagement for Ourselves and Our Communities with Ruth Ben-Tovim, Anne Marie-Culhane & Lucy Neal This course is back by popular demand. Are you looking for effective ways to brin.....Read more

Museum of Now featured at Britain's First Humans

Sat 12 Sep to Sat 12 Dec 2015 (3 months)

Museum of Now featured at Britain's First Humans

Torquay Museum and the Natural History Museum London are collaborating on a incrediable exhibition of international significance which will bring to life the story of human evolution. This is a unique opportunity to come.....Read more

Be the Maker workshop

Fri 02 Oct 2015

Be the Maker workshop

Date: Fri 2 Oct 2015 1pm to 4pm Venue: Torquay Museum FREE / Drop in anytime Suitable for all Encounters Arts and British Museum are working in partnership to bring a very special event to the Ageing Well festival......Read more

Be the Maker workshop

Sat 03 Oct 2015

Be the Maker workshop

Date: Sat 3 Oct 2015 11am to 4pm Torquay Museum FREE / Please book as spaces are limited Suitable for all The Museum of Now Ageing Well workshop invites people age 50+ to participate in a visit and making session a.....Read more

Meet me on the Boat

Sat 26 Sep 2015

Meet me on the Boat

You are Invited to take part in the final journey of the Meet Me on the Boat project. Find out through story, photographs and interactive displays what happened on the themed boat trips that took place with small groups .....Read more

Meet the Grandmothers

Thu 01 Oct 2015

Meet the Grandmothers

Date: Thu 1 Oct 2015 4pm to 6pm Paignton Library FREE / Please book as spaces are limited Suitable for all Grandmothers is a unique interactive performance created by Encounters Arts with a company of Grandmothers.....Read more

Museum of Now - public launch event

Tue 03 Nov 2015

Museum of Now - public launch event

You are invited to visit the Museum of Now, a unique new collection of objects within Torquay Museum hand made by people who live or work in Torquay. Across the Town this summer, participants of all ages came together to.....Read more

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