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Julian of Norwich and Ecological Consciousness

Tue 06 Oct 2020

Julian of Norwich and Ecological Consciousness

Leave the beholdyng of a wrech that it was schewde to, and myghtely, wysely and mekely behold god… he shall … make you to take it more ghostely and more sweetly then I can or may tell it. Fourteenth-century mystic Jul.....Read more

Emperor Diocletian, Early Christianity and St Alban

Tue 03 Nov 2020

Emperor Diocletian, Early Christianity and St Alban

The Roman Emperor Diocletian (CE: 22 December 244 – 3 December 311) is infamous for his persecution of early Christians (CE:303-311). What were the reasons for this attack upon the nascent Christian Church; what did he .....Read more

Christian Radicalism and the Hope of a World Transformed

Wed 04 Nov to Wed 02 Dec 2020 (1 month)

Christian Radicalism and the Hope of a World Transformed

Behold, I am doing a new thing, now it springs forth, do you not perceive it.” Isaiah 43. 18-19 The call of God has through the ages led men and women to change the direction of their lives completely, enthused by the.....Read more

The Impact of the US Presidential Elections on the Holy Land

Thu 12 Nov 2020

The Impact of the US Presidential Elections on the Holy Land

What will the US Presidential election result mean for Israelis and Palestinians, and for peace with justice in the Holy Land? The US will always be the key ally of Israel. Under President Trump, US policy has been over.....Read more

Women and the Tower of London

Wed 18 Nov 2020

Women and the Tower of London

Join us as we welcome back historian and author Lauren Johnson to help us discover more about the lives of women and the Tower of London. More information to follow. Lauren has previously joined us for talks on ‘Magna.....Read more

Lonely Sits the City - The Book of Ékhah! (Lamentations)

Tue 24 Nov 2020

Lonely Sits the City - The Book of Ékhah! (Lamentations)

Join Rabbi Adam for a look at the language of lament in the book of Éikhah! (Lamentations) and the rabbinic commentaries on it. We'll consider how tragedy is processed through Jewish history and rabbinic interpretation .....Read more

Royal Witches in St Albans

Thu 03 Dec 2020

Royal Witches in St Albans

Buried in St Alban's shrine in our Cathedral lies our only confirmed royal resident, Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester (d. 1447). A prince of England who was once heir to the throne, he met a sad end after his beloved wife wa.....Read more

Thomas Becket: His Portrayal Through Time

Wed 16 Dec 2020

Thomas Becket: His Portrayal Through Time

Join us to mark the 850th anniversary of the death of St Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 until his murder at the hands of King Henry II’s men in Canterbury Cathedral in 1170. His image is emblazoned .....Read more

The Great Survivor Tour

Wed 19 Aug to Wed 30 Sep 2020 (1 month)

The Great Survivor Tour

Walk the outline of St Albans Cathedral in the company of one of our experienced guides. Stand on the hillside where Alban, Britain’s First Saint, was martyred and discover how Alban’s church has survived revolt, coll.....Read more

Organ Concert | Jonathan Allsopp

Wed 16 Sep 2020

Organ Concert | Jonathan Allsopp

We are pleased to announce the resumption of organ recitals at the Cathedral from Wednesday 16th September. On Wednesday 16 September at 12.30pm Jonathan Allsopp (Assistant Director of Music, Southwell Minster) gives .....Read more

Organ Concert | Marko Sever

Sun 11 Oct 2020

Organ Concert | Marko Sever

On Sunday 11 October at 3pm, Marko Sever, Organ Scholar, Westminster Cathedral and formerly Organ Scholar at St Albans Cathedral gives a free recital. All are welcome – the recital will last around 50 minutes. Admi.....Read more

Organ Concert | Tom Winpenny

Wed 21 Oct 2020

Organ Concert | Tom Winpenny

On Wednesday 21 October at 12.30pm Tom Winpenny, Assistant Master of the Music gives a free recital. All are welcome – the recital will last around 35 minutes. Admission is free, with a retiring collection in aid o.....Read more

Face-to-face with Abbot John | Online Talk

Mon 21 Sep 2020

Face-to-face with Abbot John | Online Talk

There are only two figures from fifteenth-century England upon whose faces you can now gaze. One of them is Richard III. The other - whose facial reconstruction is soon to be released - is our very own Abbot John of Whe.....Read more

Heritage Open Days at St Albans Cathedral

Fri 11 to Sun 20 Sep 2020 (1 week)

Heritage Open Days at St Albans Cathedral

To celebrate Heritage Open Days starting on Friday 11 September, we will be launching a brand new trail focusing on the life and legacy of Abbot John of Wheathampstead. The trail takes you around the modern day Cathedral.....Read more

Forgotten: The British African Colonial Soldiers of WWII

Thu 01 Oct to Sun 01 Nov 2020 (1 month)

Forgotten: The British African Colonial Soldiers of WWII

Learning Through the Arts in partnership with St Albans Cathedral are delighted to display an exhibition commemorating the African experience of the Second World War. Over half-a-million African troops served with th.....Read more

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