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Music on the Bandstand - Golcar Band

Sun 07 Jul 2019

Music on the Bandstand - Golcar Band

Golcar Senior and Training Bands will be entertaining visitors to the park on Sunday 7 July, 2pm - 4pm, as part of the Friends of Greenhead Park 2019 season of summer music on the bandstand. Everyone is welcome to come d.....Read more

Music on the Greenhead Park Bandstand - Hade Edge Band

Sun 14 Jul 2019

Music on the Greenhead Park Bandstand - Hade Edge Band

Another opportunity to enjoy some brass band music in the great outdoors as part of the Friends of Greenhead Park summer programme of band concerts. We are very pleased to welcome the ever-popular Hade Edge Band onto the.....Read more

Poetry Readaround in Greenhead Park

Sat 22 Jun 2019

Poetry Readaround in Greenhead Park

Poets and poetry-lovers are invited to a readaround in the Greenhead Park Pavilion by the bowling greens on Saturday 22 June from 1pm to 3pm. This friendly session is open to all - just bring along two or three poems you.....Read more

Music on the Greenhead Park Bandstand - Sundown Swing

Sun 28 Jul 2019

Music on the Greenhead Park Bandstand - Sundown Swing

The final concert in the Friends of Greenhead Park summer programme of music on the bandstand features a band that's new to the park. Sundown Swing play popular swing music from the 1920s to 1950s including big band favo.....Read more

Friends of Greenhead Park History Hour - Beyond the Park Gates

Wed 04 Sep 2019

Friends of Greenhead Park History Hour - Beyond the Park Gates

This month’s Friends of Greenhead Park History Hour talk goes beyond the Park gates with a virtual tour of the neighbourhood in the 19th century. When Greenhead Park opened in 1884, the surrounding area was already rich .....Read more

A walk in the park with Thomas Denham!

Sun 22 Sep 2019

A walk in the park with Thomas Denham!

Greenhead Park opened in 1884 but Alderman Thomas Denham had come up with his vision for it way back in 1869. On the 150th anniversary of a letter to the Huddersfield Examiner spelling this out, ‘Thomas’ returns to tell .....Read more

Poetry in the Park - autumn session

Sat 02 Nov 2019

Poetry in the Park - autumn session

Poets and poetry lovers are warmly welcomed to a free Poetry in the Park readaround in the Greenhead Park pavilion by the bowling greens on Saturday 2 November, 1pm to 3pm. This friendly session is open to all - just bri.....Read more

Music is back!

Sun 25 Jul 2021

Music is back!

The Friends of Greenhead Park are delighted to bring you the first concert on the bandstand since 2019! Join Sundown Swing for an entertaining afternoon of swing music from 1940s onwards on Sunday 25 July, 2pm to 4pm,.....Read more

Hade Edge Band in Greenhead Park

Sun 08 Aug 2021

Hade Edge Band in Greenhead Park

The ever-popular Hade Edge Band will be entertaining visitors to Greenhead Park with a free brass band concert on the bandstand on Sunday 8 August, 2pm to 4pm. A collection at the concert will support the work of.....Read more

Poetry in the Park

Sat 02 Oct 2021

Poetry in the Park

Join the Albert Poets and the Friends of Greenhead Park for a friendly poetry readaround session in the Greenhead Park Pavilion (by the Bowling Greens) from 1pm to 3pm. We are so pleased to be able to meet again to enjoy.....Read more

Community Art, Creative Textiles and Digital Photography AUTUMN

Tue 20 Oct 2015 to Wed 20 Jul 2016 (9 months)

Community Art, Creative Textiles and Digital Photography AUTUMN

Join us and take the opportunity explore your creative side. We offer various classes at different levels of ability. We offer the chance to explore Fine Art, Creative Textiles and Digital photography whether you wish t.....Read more

hcmf// 2021

Thu 18 to Mon 22 Nov 2021 (5 days)

hcmf// 2021

hcmf// 2021 is a return to live programming, a reunion of artists and audiences with the festival’s hometown. We’re excited to be back to presenting performances in immense concert spaces like Huddersfield Town Hall, St .....Read more

Computer as Composer - FREE workshop

Wed 29 Apr 2015

Computer as Composer - FREE workshop

Computer as Composer in partnership with ICA and Huddersfield Art Gallery Heritage Quay, University of Huddersfield Weds 29 April, 2-5pm FREE ENTRY - no musical or programming expertise necessary Sound artist.....Read more

Toast it! Dub and reggae music + lyric workshop for 13-16 years

Sun 29 Nov 2015

Toast it! Dub and reggae music + lyric workshop for 13-16 years

Toast It! For participants aged 13-16 years This year hcmf// is working with the team that produced the book and film, Sound System Culture. The project documents and examines the culture that developed from the Ca.....Read more

Up in the Mountains

Mon 23 Nov 2015

Up in the Mountains

Up in the Mountains Interactive Music Theatre for Children Monday 23 November Hudawi Centre, 12:30pm + 2pm The team who brought us Korall Koral in 2012 return, this time with a participatory performance piece e.....Read more

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