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Think Gigs | Take your brain out for the night

Thu 10 May 2018

Think Gigs | Take your brain out for the night

Talk by Susie Godsil, drama piece by Sameena Hussain and the opportunity to join an open discussion with Susie. You are welcome to join us at any time but seating is limited so we recommend that you arrive early. The.....Read more

THINK GIGS | Psychoanalysis & Improvisation

Thu 13 Sep 2018

THINK GIGS | Psychoanalysis & Improvisation

Can psychoanalysis give you the freedom to live a more creative life? Improvisation, as a performer or in our own personal dramas, requires us to silence the internal critic in order to let new ideas & possibilities flow.....Read more

PRISON(ER)S 'R' US | Think Gigs

Thu 08 Nov 2018

PRISON(ER)S 'R' US | Think Gigs

PRISON(ER)S 'R' US | Think Gigs THU 8 NOV Free entry - donations welcome Doors open 7PM Talk begins 7:30PM The way we treat our prisoners says a lot about the kind of society we are. Crime, its causes and conseq.....Read more

The English Tea Ceremony

Thu 20 to Fri 21 Dec 2018 (2 days)

The English Tea Ceremony

What’s your favourite memory of drinking tea? Where? When? Who were you with? How did it feel? Local artist, Dave Helm, in conjunction with arts & health charity HOOT Creative Arts, invites you to share your memorie.....Read more

Sing with HOOT | Byram Arcade

Mon 17 Dec 2018

Sing with HOOT | Byram Arcade

We invite you to join us on Monday 17th December at 12:30PM at the Byram Arcade in Huddersfield to sing with us! Absolutely no experience necessary but if you did want to practice, check out the video here: https://bi.....Read more

Celebrating AgeUKulele

Mon 14 Jan to Mon 08 Apr 2019 (3 months)

Celebrating AgeUKulele

According to 60’s pop star Joe Brown “If you’ve got a Ukulele in your hands you’re bound to be smiling”. Well you can now come and see for yourself on Monday afternoons. Join local musician and Ukulele fan Jess Baker.....Read more

Harmony Singing | Celebrating Age

Wed 16 Jan to Wed 10 Apr 2019 (3 months)

Harmony Singing | Celebrating Age

If you’re over 55 and want to experience the tingle of singing in harmony with other people, here is your chance! Harmony singing is a great way to; nourish your mind, body and soul; meet people and make new friends (.....Read more

Women's Digital Audio/Music Workshop

Thu 05 Mar 2020

Women's Digital Audio/Music Workshop

Women's Digital Audio/Music Workshop A one-off workshop for #InternationalWomensDay for women aged 18+ in Kirklees. Come and have a go at digital audio and music-making. No experience required. FREE to attend Thur.....Read more

Free personalised radio show recording | Breathing Space Radio

Thu 14 Mar to Tue 30 Apr 2019 (2 months)

Free personalised radio show recording | Breathing Space Radio

Breathing Space Radio A chance to create a bespoke radio programme, in Hoot’s recording studio, about you and your life story. We’ll start with an initial meeting to prepare, and follow this with a recording session i.....Read more

Tall Tales | Music, Comedy & Poetry for older adults

Thu 02 May to Thu 18 Jul 2019 (3 months)

Tall Tales | Music, Comedy & Poetry for older adults

Join us at Tall Tales for tea & happy chatting. A variety mix of music, comedy, poetry, music hall and our mystery tour box. Come along to play, be entertained and learn new, easy skills in drama without even leaving .....Read more

Pick Up A Pen | Creative Writing

Wed 05 Jun to Wed 21 Aug 2019 (3 months)

Pick Up A Pen | Creative Writing

Do you like reading or listening to a story and letting it carry you off? Do you enjoy the music of rhyme or the word play of comedy verse? Join local writers, Emma Priestly and Winston Plowes for these inclusive and .....Read more

Silk Painting | Celebrating Age

Thu 27 Jun to Thu 18 Jul 2019 (3 weeks)

Silk Painting | Celebrating Age

Join members of Holme Valley Sharing Memories, for 4 creative sessions where we'll make a series of silk wall hangings. Experiment and play with different paint techniques each week, share life experiences and have fu.....Read more

Music Makers | Celebrating Age

Wed 18 Sep to Wed 11 Dec 2019 (3 months)

Music Makers | Celebrating Age

Join musician Rob Crisp on a tuneful voyage through shanties and songs of the sea. Using ukuleles, keyboards, voices and drums to sing, strum, play and even write our own nautical song. Absolutely no previous experien.....Read more

Singing for fun | Celebrating Age

Mon 16 Sep to Mon 21 Oct 2019 (1 month)

Singing for fun | Celebrating Age

If you’re over 55 and want to experience the joy of singing in harmony with other people, here is your chance. Singing is a great way to nourish your mind, body and soul, meet people, and make new friends (if you want.....Read more

Visual Arts Workshops | Celebrating Age

Thu 19 Sep to Fri 29 Nov 2019 (2 months)

Visual Arts Workshops | Celebrating Age

Explore your creativity with local visual artists Sarah and Gail. This series of relaxed workshops will use the animal kingdom to spark your imagination to create unique 2-D & 3-D pieces of work. Absolutely no experience.....Read more

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