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The Titfield Thunderbolt

Wed 15 to Sat 18 Mar 2023 (4 days)

The Titfield Thunderbolt

Finding that their branch railway line will be axed, a group of villagers decide to buy the railway and run it themselves. Now they must convince the railway authorities they are competent, and compete against a planned .....Read more

Behind the scenes curating the museum

Thu 15 Sep 2022

Behind the scenes curating the museum

Anna Bianco: BEHIND THE SCENES CURATING THE MUSEUM How long does it take to put together a major exhibition? Who decides what subjects will be explored and which objects will be included? How do you get an object fro.....Read more

Painted pleats: A History of European fan printing

Thu 20 Oct 2022

Painted pleats: A History of European fan printing

Jacob Moss: The fan is a curious and complicated article combining utility with artistry. It is a weapon of seduction; it is portable art; it is a fashion statement – hard to categorise, but perfectly described by one pa.....Read more

The Nativity (Social history of the favourite biblical scene)

Thu 17 Nov 2022

The Nativity (Social history of the favourite biblical scene)

Nirvana Romell The scene of Nativity is one of the most recognizable themes in the western art. However, prior to the middle ages, the artists were more focused on the Magi and the scene of Epiphany. The Nativity tabl.....Read more

Level Up! in music production

Sat 23 Mar 2019

Level Up! in music production

Join YSWN for an inspiring and empowering day of practical music workshops, professional development talks, practice-sharing and networking. Aimed at all women, non-binary and gender non-conforming people with an inte.....Read more

Supporting Feminist Sound Collectives

Sat 22 Feb 2020

Supporting Feminist Sound Collectives

This day is for anyone who is facilitating informal knowledge and skills-sharing workshops amongst girls and women* Aimed at those with an interest in exploring strategies for supporting learning in music technology, .....Read more

Supporting gender diversity and inclusion (for freelancers)

Tue 10 Nov 2020

Supporting gender diversity and inclusion (for freelancers)

A free training seminar tailored to audio industry freelancers, offering practical advice on supporting gender diversity and inclusion. This online training session is open to all self-employed people, including reco.....Read more

Open Space Networking Event

Wed 16 Feb 2022

Open Space Networking Event

Join us for an Open Space style networking event, discussing the challenges facing the industry in the next year. The beauty of an open space style event is you set the agenda: whatever your hopes, concerns or ambitio.....Read more

Something from Nothing - Presentation by Pasquale Esposito

Wed 07 Nov 2018

Something from Nothing - Presentation by Pasquale Esposito

A short documentary film by Nick Rizzini on the work of Zen actor, Pasquale Esposito, followed by a Q&A session with Pasquale, facilitated by Deborah Middleton. You are warmly invited to this research event, hosted by.....Read more

Something From Nothing: Zen in the Arts - Workshop by Pasquale

Fri 09 to Sun 11 Nov 2018 (3 days)

Something From Nothing: Zen in the Arts - Workshop by Pasquale

Over the course of an evening and two afternoons, actor and Zen monk Pasquale Esposito will guide us on a journey of inquiry into the nature of sensations and perceptions. Working between Zen education and the craft of a.....Read more

The Conflab

Sat 03 to Mon 19 Nov 2018 (2 weeks)

The Conflab

The Conflab The Conflab is an experimental process that has been developed by Ministry of Others​ to help create an antidote to the rise in intolerance and hate crime that we have seen since the EU Referendum. It look.....Read more

Hate Crime in the North: Sophie's Legacy

Wed 13 Oct 2021

Hate Crime in the North: Sophie's Legacy

In our first event of the ‘Changing Perspectives’ series, we will be joined by the mother of Sophie Lancaster, Dr Sylvia Lancaster OBE and Nazir Afzal OBE, who will be discussing how Sophie’s murder led to political and .....Read more

Hitler Won! : Judaism after the Holocaust

Wed 20 Oct 2021

Hitler Won! : Judaism after the Holocaust

Rabbi Dovid Y. Lewis of the South Manchester Synagogue will discuss the impact of the Holocaust upon Judaism. During the Holocaust, Hitler’s aim was not just to eradicate the Jewish Nation, but to erase Judaism from the .....Read more

Woven in Kirklees Makers Market Byram Arcade

Fri 14 to Sat 15 Jun 2019 (2 days)

Woven in Kirklees Makers Market Byram Arcade

This is a great opportunity for all makers and artists using textile, yarn or felt living or working in Kirklees!! In June their is a week long textile Celebration, and Crafty Baggage is working with creative Kirklees.....Read more

Woven in Kirklees Makers Market LBT Courtyard

Fri 14 to Sat 15 Jun 2019 (2 days)

Woven in Kirklees Makers Market LBT Courtyard

This is a great opportunity for all makers and artists using textile, yarn or felt living or working in Kirklees!! In June their is a week long textile Celebration, and Crafty Baggage is working with creative Kirklees.....Read more

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