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Sat 15 Nov 2014


North Yorkshire East Federation of Women’s Institutes are hosting an event celebrating the role of women in contemporary India. Supriya Nagarajan will present a seminar on key issues including rural and urban India, educ.....Read more


Sat 15 Nov 2014


Dance, music, glitz and glamour will dominate the evening at Dewsbury Town Hall. And a three-course Indian dinner to complete the evening...Read more


Sat 22 Nov 2014


Lights, scents and sound… A ceremony in contemplation. Shivoham is presented at the iconic York Minster during Interfaith week 2014. The performance will be followed by a post-show discussion with the artists chaired .....Read more

Lullaby, The Singing Bowl

Fri 06 to Sat 07 Mar 2015 (2 days)

Lullaby, The Singing Bowl

Manasamitra, in partnership with hcmf// present 'Lullaby, The Singing Bowl'. The Singing Bowl is a contemporary exploration of night-time sounds interspersed with lullabies from India. Sound artist Duncan Chapman, wo.....Read more

Shivoham - Huddersfield Art Gallery

Fri 15 May 2015

Shivoham - Huddersfield Art Gallery

Shivoham is a unique musical experience from South Asian arts company Manasamitra. The performance is rooted in India but reaches widely through its contemplative nature and universal narrative. Inspired by Shiva, th.....Read more

Canopy of Voices

Sat 24 Nov 2018

Canopy of Voices

Canopy of Voices is the world premiere of Composer Supriya Nagarajan’s Pleiades Ne Maia, presented alongside a performance by four local choirs. Pleiades Ne Maia is inspired by the luminous seven star cluster that has.....Read more

Tunes & Talk - Sumie (Osaki) Kent and Ramy Tangirala

Tue 19 Apr 2022

Tunes & Talk - Sumie (Osaki) Kent and Ramy Tangirala

Join us for this month's Tunes & Talk, which brings you the combined joys of Sumie (Osaki) Kent and Ramya Tangirala. Sumie will be playing the Koto, a Japanese harp and Ramya will be playing the Saraswati Veena, a South.....Read more

Harmonise Like a Hussie - online singing workshops & soiree

Sat 01 Aug 2020

Harmonise Like a Hussie - online singing workshops & soiree

A day of workshops and treats online - dip in as you like! During the day join Jenny and Sarah for workshops featuring beautiful harmonies or have a go at a 121 - then join them in the evening as they transform into the.....Read more

Far Cry Acapella - open sessions for Sing for Water

Sun 04 to Sat 24 Sep 2022 (3 weeks)

Far Cry Acapella - open sessions for Sing for Water

JOIN FAR CRY THIS SEPTEMBER AND SING FOR WATER AID This September Far Cry is open to anyone who would like to try singing with us - sessions will be tailored to introducing new potential new members AND 2 performance .....Read more

Amazing Acapella Holmfirth sings for WaterAid

Fri 02 to Sat 24 Sep 2022 (3 weeks)

Amazing Acapella Holmfirth sings for WaterAid

AMAZING ACAPELLA SINGS FOR WATERAID! Join drop-in, sing for the joy of it acapella group Amazing Acapella for 4 sessions leading up to Huddersfield Sing for Water FRIDAYS 2ND, 9TH, 16TH & 23RD SEPT 10 TIL 12 G.....Read more

Wintersongs Workshop with Jenny Goodman

Sat 10 Dec 2016

Wintersongs Workshop with Jenny Goodman

Winter Songs Workshop with Jenny Goodman Saturday 10th Dec 1.30 til 4.30pm £20 (full price) £15 booked (low waged) £10 (students/claiming benefits) Escape from the hustle and bustle of the pre Christmas rush an.....Read more

Resistance Songs - Peace : Harmony Singing Workshop

Mon 12 Dec 2016

Resistance Songs - Peace : Harmony Singing Workshop

Come along and learn a range of harmony songs on the theme of PEACE – at this time of year it's good to reflect on what is important and spreading and supporting peace seems an apt theme. Sunday 12th December 2 - 5pm.....Read more

Harmonious Mondays - drop in singing for well-being

Mon 12 Dec 2016

Harmonious Mondays - drop in singing for well-being

DROP IN SINGING FOR WELL-BEING SESSIONS 10.30 AM TO 12.30 PM Come and beat the Monday blues, start the month with a singing zing, go away feeling good...this new drop-in group is all about singing to make you feel gr.....Read more

Light a Beacon for Refugees - singing workshop and performance

Sun 18 Dec 2016

Light a Beacon for Refugees - singing workshop and performance

Far Cry and In Good Voice present Light a Beacon an afternoon of singing in support of refugees 2 til 5.30pm In November and December 2016 a network of music events are taking place across the UK instigated by The .....Read more

Amazing Acapella Holmfirth

Fri 20 May to Fri 15 Jul 2022 (2 months)

Amazing Acapella Holmfirth

What could be better than summertime singing? Bring the sunshine to your voice and heart with luscious harmony singing Numbers limited to 20 so pre booking essential AMAZING ACAPELLA Fridays: 20th, 27th, June 1.....Read more

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