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Sound recording and composition

Tue 01 Aug 2017

Sound recording and composition

This beginners workshop with Caro C is part of a summer school in music technology specifically setup for girls aged 11-16yrs. In this workshop, you will: – be inspired by intuitive and “dare to be rare” musi.....Read more

Computer coding to make live music

Thu 10 Aug 2017

Computer coding to make live music

This beginners workshop with Liz Dobson is part of a summer school in music technology specifically setup for girls aged 11-16yrs. You will: – learn the principles of programming music – learn computer .....Read more

Creating your performance workshop

Fri 11 Aug 2017

Creating your performance workshop

This beginners workshop with Marlo DeLara is part of a summer school in music technology specifically setup for girls aged 11-16yrs. You will learn about: - setting up technical equipment - handling signal flow .....Read more

Warp Records' Mira Calix  audiovisual installation

Sat 08 to Sun 09 Jul 2017 (2 days)

Warp Records' Mira Calix audiovisual installation

As part of the Activating Inclusive Sound Spaces weekend at The University of Huddersfield, and in partnership with hcmf//, Mira Calix presents 'by beings in two places at once v3.1', a public installation. ‘by being.....Read more

The Path to Catherine

Sat 10 Jun 2017

The Path to Catherine

THE PATH TO CATHERINE. . . Join us in June at Batley’s beautiful Bagshaw Museum as we explore and share the life and times of Batley’s Catherine Exley. Through presentation, performance and conversation we’ll think abou.....Read more

Path to Catherine

Sun 11 Jun 2017

Path to Catherine

THE PATH TO CATHERINE. . . Join us in June at Batley’s beautiful Bagshaw Museum as we explore and share the life and times of Batley’s Catherine Exley. Through presentation, performance and conversation we’ll think abou.....Read more

Great Get Together at The Mission

Sat 17 Jun 2017

Great Get Together at The Mission

Need a good reason for a get together? Here's a Great one... Join us at the Mission for the Great Get Together this Saturday, 17th June, between 11am and 3pm. Please bring your family and friends and neighbours too! Enj.....Read more

Anything Goes - The BatleyPoets

Sat 18 Nov 2017

Anything Goes - The BatleyPoets

B A T L E Y L I B R A R Y & A R T G A L L E R Y S ATURDAY 1 8 t h N O V E M B E R 2 . 0 0 - 4 . 0 0 P M If you’ve got a favourite poem (that may also have a special memory for you) or you’ve written a poem yourself ple.....Read more

Saturday SCRAPtastic

Sat 13 Apr 2019

Saturday SCRAPtastic

Join leading eco-educators fairandfunky for recycling crafts for all the family. This week create your Spring flower frames from recycled materials – bring along some coloured egg boxes if you’d like to recycle your own!.....Read more

Easter SCRAPtastic Workshop

Wed 17 Apr 2019

Easter SCRAPtastic Workshop

On Wednesday 17th April fairandfunky will be back at the Tolson Museum creating artworks from recycled materials! Drop in from 11am – 1pm or from 2pm – 3pm and make both beautiful flower mobiles and juice carton plan.....Read more

Community Crafternoon

Thu 18 Apr 2019

Community Crafternoon

FREE family crafts! Join fairandfunky for an afternoon of crafting centred around recycling and looking at the impact we all have on people and planet! Get crafting to contribute to community art work 'SCRAP THAT P.....Read more

SCRAPtastic Showcase!

Wed 08 to Thu 30 May 2019 (3 weeks)

SCRAPtastic Showcase!

SCRAPtastic Showcase We are all connected – everything we do, everything we buy, everything we eat, everything we wear, everything we throw away, has an impact on our planet. Do you know where the things you use and .....Read more

Huddersfield Bach Collegium Returns

Sun 01 Mar 2020

Huddersfield Bach Collegium Returns

Come and join us for an informal performance of Bach, Telemann, Mozart and Corelli. Free admission and relaxed setting. 6-7pm...Read more

Hope for Troubled Times

Sun 16 Jul 2017

Hope for Troubled Times

The Huddersfield Bach Collegium are very pleased to announce that for this performance the orchestra and choir will be joined by three exceptional soloists - Edwin Kaye (bass), Xiang Ting Teng (soprano) and Terence Ayeba.....Read more

The Road Less Travelled

Sun 11 Mar 2018

The Road Less Travelled

The Huddersfield Bach Collegium will be holding their first performance of the year at Holy Trinity Church. We firmly believe that this music is for everyone and strive to deliver on excellence; so whether you are a .....Read more

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